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Photoshop: Grass text effect

Tutorial Name: Photoshop: Grass text effect  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: Zuul

Date Added:

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Views: 4,619

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


Step 1:

Create a new image 640 by 480 pixels 72ppi.

Step 2: Create a new brush based on the brush Dune Grass.

Press D to get the default foreground and background colors.
Create a new layer.
Activate the Brush Tool and go to the Brush preset picker where you select Dune Grass.
Go to Window > Brushes to get the Brush Presets and uncheck all the checkboxs.
Click once in your image to draw one brush stroke.

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Duplicate the layer.
Choose Edit > Transform > Rotate 180.
Move the rotated layer like this:

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Choose Edit > Define Brush Preset and give it a name.
Now you can delete the two layers.

Step 3: Create an easy background.

Change the foreground color to a light green (in example #00dc00) and the background color to a darker green (in example #006400).
Go to the Gradient Tool en create a Radial Gradient from the centre to one of the corners.

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Choose Filter > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes with the following values

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Duplicate the layer.
Choose Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Change the blend mode to Hard Light.

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Stap 4: Add the text and convert it into a path.

Activate the Text Tool and choose a font and font-size (in example Courier New 144pt).
Crtl-click (mac: Cmd-click) on the layer thumbnail of the text layer to select the text.
Go to the palet Paths and press the 'Make Work path from selection' button.

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Step 5: Create the brush.

Activate the Brush tool and choose the brush Dune grass. Not the brush made in the second step.
Go to Window > Brushes to get the Brush presets.
Here you go to 'Brush tip shape' and pick the brush made in the second step.

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Go to Shape dynamics and change Angle-Jitter to 100%.

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Step 6: Create the grass text.

Create a new layer.
Activate the Brush Tool and change the brush size to 30 pixels.
Go to Paths and right-click on the path ans choose Stroke Path and use the Brush.
Change the brush size to 20 pixels and stroke the path again.
And once more with a brush size of 10 pixels.

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Step 7: Improve the text.

Duplicate the text layer.
Doubleclick on the layer thumbnail of the bottom text layer to open Layer Style. Go to Drop shadow and use the default values.
Activate the top text layer and change the blend mode to Hard Light.
The text is still a little to soft to make it better:
Activate the top text layer Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask and use the following values.

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This is the final result.

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