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Description: Kill Shepherd. As you complete basic training and enter The Pit, look up in the observation nest, and shoot the...


Views: 120

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Collect all weapons in the campaign. There is a total of 4 weapons you can collect in the story, these include a...


Views: 961

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Gather the fuses in the warehouse within 5 minutes. Hospital (Underground)/Office - Head to the underground...


Views: 1,124

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Place all jewels in the clock tower monument. You will need to collect 3 different colored gems in order to unlock...


Views: 1,366

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Unlock all safes, lockers, strongboxes, and pickable locks. This is a guide for every safe, locker, strongbox, and...


Views: 1,249

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Destroy all Charlie dolls. In order to unlock this achievement you must find all of the charlie dolls, there is 20...


Views: 577

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Destroy a Charlie Doll. Simply destroy any Charlie Doll with a gunshot or knife swipe. The very first Doll can be...


Views: 901

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Craft an item. Once you get to the subway and meet Carlos you will find two gunpowders/green herbs near the start....


Views: 732

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Escape from Jill's apartment building. As you start the game you wake up in Jill's apartment, you will then be...


Views: 1,028

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Raccoon City Police Station (3F) Code: DCM https://gyazo.com/b0781264dd3e652fc34e12dfaac26e8c.png Safe...


Views: 727

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Raccoon City Police Station shower room (2F) Safe Code:...


Views: 879

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Spencer Memorial Hospital Nurses Station (2F) Safe Code: 9 clockwise, 3...


Views: 1,004

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Raccoon City Police Station West Office (1F) Safe...


Views: 692

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Raccoon City Drugstore Safe Code Safe Location: https://gyazo.com/66a532425f808170068c9afdcdb27fa7.png Safe...


Views: 1,165

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/CxPbtwB.jpg Make a deal with a sneaky, snakey seller of magical secrets. At the end of the...


Views: 885

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/CxPbtwB.jpg Unlock any door in the Art Gallery. Mermaid Falls, Tassle Town, and Cape Crustacean...


Views: 653

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/CxPbtwB.jpg Obtain any magic relic. This is where you find the waterfall relic in main street,...


Views: 896

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/OtFoNeW.jpg Beat the game. You must complete the game it should take approximately 3-4 hours to...


Views: 531

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/OtFoNeW.jpg Avoid all the gears during the escape slide. Use the diadem and a fully upgraded...


Views: 500

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: https://i.imgur.com/OtFoNeW.jpg Gather up as many friends as possible for a swim! This is done in the final dungeon...


Views: 586

Category: Xbox One Tutorials