PC Gaming News

Kinetic Games has teased a couple of the new items coming in Phasmophobia's Christmas update. Peeping the game's Trello board, there's an entry for the "Christmas [REDACTED] Update" that was originally created earlier this month (thanks, PCGamesN). It's since been updated to show two new cursed possessions coming with the update: a summoning circle and a new variant on the voodoo doll. It's ...read more
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Amazon has announced the latest wave of ‘free’ titles coming to Prime Gaming members. Included with an Amazon Prime membership, Prime Gaming gives subscribers free PC titles to keep and exclusive in-game content each month. December 2021’s free games will be Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Football Manager 2021, Journey to the Savage Planet, Frostpunk, Morkredd, Spellcaster University, ...read more
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When it comes to long-running video game franchises, it’s not unheard of for developers to change, remove, and overhaul features. Whether these changes end up being for better or worse is subjective, but with Battlefield 2042, it looks like a lot of things just went wrong. We knew that a traditional campaign was out of the picture, for example, but having fewer gun choices is a bit ...read more
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It’s increasingly starting to look like Electronic Arts’ next football (or soccer) title won’t be called FIFA. Following reports that EA wanted to drop FIFA due to exorbitant licensing costs, the football organization issued a statement of its own explaining that it no longer wants one company “controlling and exploiting” the license. Now, EA has told Financial Times in no uncertain ...read more
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There are some things in life that you can be certain of, we all die, pay taxes, and expect a new Call of Duty title every November. But is that about to change? One leaker seems to believe that Activision is considering ditching the annual release schedule for Call of Duty. As many fans will be aware, Call of Duty development works a little differently from other FPS titles. Each new game in ...read more
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The campaign mode in Halo Infinite won’t unlock new armour pieces for multiplayer mode, it’s been claimed. Following a datamine of the campaign, Twitter user Chaz the Jackal shared the list of 34 customisation items that can reportedly be unlocked while playing the campaign. Although there are 34 items in total, none of these are actual armour pieces that notably change the appearance ...read more
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Today, IO Interactive confirmed its latest stealth assassinations game Hitman 3 is receiving another year of post-launch content. This comes right alongside an announcement of the rebooted series reaching the major milestone of 50 million players across the 'World of Assassination' trilogy. The studio gave a teaser of what's to expect in Year 2, and first up are several interesting additions. ...read more
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When it comes to modern sports games, microtransactions are an expected part of the package. Nearly all the big sports games released nowadays has microtransactions, and the upcoming WWE 2K22 is no exception. But while WWE 2K22 will have microtransactions, on paper, it doesn't sound like they will be nearly as intrusive or detrimental to the overall experience as other sports games, though fans ...read more
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Plans for a third Star Wars: Battlefront title from Battlefield developer DICE were reportedly rejected by Electronic Arts, it’s been claimed. According to journalist Tom Henderson, DICE had pitched Battlefront 3 but ultimately the proposal was rejected by EA due to the costs of using the Star Wars license. “It got turned down because it takes 20% more sales to make the same money”, ...read more
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Following a week of limited access, Battlefield 2042 has finally released. With the game now available for all players to download and play, many have been checking out the Portal editor. New to the series, this mode allows creative fans the opportunity to create all sorts of custom games. Recently, one fan decided to utilize the new feature to make a custom game involving the ...read more
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