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Welcome to the Brotherhood 20G AC Brotherhood Achievement

Tutorial Name: Welcome to the Brotherhood 20G AC Brotherhood Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Cokes

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Comments: 1

Views: 512

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Train a recruit up to the Rank of Assassin.



A recruit can be leveled up by sending them out on contracts. Do this by visiting a Pigeon Coop or an Assassin Tower. Check the icons (hitting ) on your map if you need to know what they look like. Once you have hit the top rank (rank 10) you must visit Ezio's hideout to hold the introductory ceremony. The achievement will unlock after the ceremony ends.

A contract is a mission you send your recruits out on to gain experience to level up, which gives them extra equipment as well as increases their stats. They range in difficulty and the game will show how high of a chance your assassin has to completing it successfully. It also has a timer on how long it will take. The best approach is to rank up with an extreme high percentage (involving multiple assassins if need be) and picking the lowest amount of time possible. The higher the rank and experience needed, the more dangerous jobs you will be sending them out on to benefit from higher rewards. For every assassin added to the contract, it will divide the experience equally. This is a way to power boost later on to rank up everyone quicker.

If an Assassin is killed while in battle, or killed while on a contract, the Assassin dies forever. He/she will be erased from your roster and you will have to replace them. In order to ensure your assassins are all safe and sound, never send them on suicide missions (ones that are low percentage of success). To raise the success level, have a few assassins go on one mission. With a larger roster of assassins, you'll be able to have a few groups out at once. You should be able to level a good amount of them up to the highest rank by the end of the story if you utilize it correctly.

Assassin Levels:

1: Recluta (0XP)
2: Servitore(10XP)
3: Assistente (30XP)
4: Milte (80XP)
5: Discepolo (180XP)
6: Mercenario (350XP)
7: Guerriero (600XP)
8: Veterano (1200XP)
9: Maestro (2000XP)
10: Assassino (3500XP)


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Man, no one should have trouble with this achievement Cokes! LOL ;)