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Black Ops II: Standard Equipment May Vary Achievement

Tutorial Name: Black Ops II: Standard Equipment May Vary Achievement  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Sean

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Standard Equipment May Vary

In TranZit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game.

*I advise just watching the video for locations as it is the easiest way to find their locations*

There are parts on almost every part of the map. You bring them to a work table to build them. Most parts change locations but will always be in similar areas.

Starting Room - Turbine
    Fan - From where you start, it is on the bench by the white door.
    Manikin - From where you start, is will be against the board in the middle of the room.
    Plane - From where you start, go all the way to the left then at the floor by the pay phones.

Diner - Zombie Shield
    Dolley - It is in the diner behind the counter or somewhere close to it.
    Car Door - It will always be in the garage, which is to the left of the work bench.

Farm - Turret
    Lawnmower - It is either outside the side of the house or in the barn.
    LMG - Either Upstairs on the couch of the house or upstairs in the barn.
    Ammo Belt - Either to the right of the work bench or in the kitchen.

Power Room (After Power is Turned On) - Electric Trap
    Battery - Next to the workbench or on the barrels.
    Tube TV - Either on the barrels overlooking the outside or on a windowsill by the catwalk.
    Tesla Coil(?) - You need to jump down off the catwalk to another one below. It should be on the boxes to the left


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