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How to GPD mod your badass rank in borderlands 2

Tutorial Name: How to GPD mod your badass rank in borderlands 2  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Suffix

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Comments: 3

Views: 15,613

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Hi, today i'm going to show you how to GPD mod your badass rank in Borderlands 2:

1- Your going to need to put your Profile onto your USB(Flash Drive).

2- Put your USB into your laptop and load up Horizon

3- Click on Device explorer then Gamer Profiles, then your profile and click the little settings icon, like me.

4- Then Click; content and type in 5454087C and it should come up "5454087C.gpd"

5- Right click and replace, and click on the 5454087C.gpd, provided in the Descirption.

6- Save,Rehash and Resign, and thats it, you have succesfully modded your Badass Rank in Borderlands 2.

This can only be done on while offline, so go delete your systme cache and then play offline and you
will have 255 golden keys and 80,000 Badass tokens.

Youtube Video = [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] (Click on the top right hand corner after 5 secs)

Modded GPD = [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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"How to GPD mod your badass rank in borderlands 2" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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it worked for me thanks man :)


DK-Mysticurse Not only did I not get anything from what you said. But I also lost all of my badass points/bonus stats..:-/

I'm very sorry it didnt work, what would you like and i will make you a custom one which will most likly work

No. of keys:
No. of Badass rank:
and the % of each thing you would like... :

PM ME with these thins answered.


Not only did I not get anything from what you said. But I also lost all of my badass points/bonus stats..:-/