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Borderlands 2 - High-Flying Hurler

Tutorial Name: Borderlands 2 - High-Flying Hurler  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: basedtelli

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Views: 613

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Killed a flying enemy with a thrown Tediore weapon

Tediore weapons have a special ability that each time you reload, your character will automatically throw the weapon (don't worry it'll come back to you) wherever you're currently aiming. Doing so and hitting any enemy with it, will cause a small amount of damage. So with that in mind, you'll first need to find/purchase a Tediore weapon, have it equip and then you'll need to search for any flying enemy.

The best enemy to try this on is a Rakk as they take one hit from the thrown weapon. Plus you're in luck as they're right at the start of the game in Southern Shelf. So either do some of the side mission and hope you get a Tediore gun as loot, or buy one from the town.

Once you've got one, head open area just outside of the town and you'll see some Rakk flying about. Simply take a shot at them and they'll start to fly towards you. As one gets close, tap X to reload and hopefully you'll hit one of them. If not, just rinse and repeat until you do.


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