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Easy way to mod MW2 Clan Tag

Tutorial Name: Easy way to mod MW2 Clan Tag  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: zach0125

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Comments: 1

Views: 5,731

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


** Read all directions before you begin!!

1.)Move your profile from your Hard drive to your Flash drive.

2.)Plug Flash drive into Computer.

3.)Download Hadzz GT Editor v2.4 Downloads/id=955/hadzz-gt-editor-v24.html

4.)Once you run the program click open usb.

5.)It should say E0000.... with a bunch of random numbers, keep clicking it until it say ok.

6.)Now it should have loaded your profile, click the tab that says clan tag. It should bring up the clan tag that you recently had while play MW2.

7.)Type in what ever you would like it to say.(I reccommend making a modded name while modding your clan tag) click the bubble that says modded profile.

8.)Click the 2 that is located on the top left of the program and click the arrow next to save to usb.

9.) Now click save modded profile, and it should say Your modded profile was saved or something like that, if it didnt you did some thing wrong.

10.) Unplug usb from computer and plug it back into your xbox.

11.) Move profile from usb back on to your xbox.

12.)Sign in to your modded profile, go to multiplayer and when it say you cant go online it will make you sign in to another account, thats when you sign in to your regular Xbox live accoutn.

13.)If done successfully your clan tag will be modded.

This program used can also be used to mod your Gamer Tag, Gamer score, and Clan tag.


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ty for the good post help me