Call of Duty: Ghosts engine is 'significantly upgraded, not all-new'

Infinity Ward developer admits new game runs on evolved version of old engine

An Infinity Ward developer has revealed that Call of Duty: Ghosts isn't running on an all-new engine, as previously believed, but a 'significantly upgraded' version of the engine used in previous games in the series.

Activision's yearly Call of Duty games have each come with updates and improvements to the engine that powers them. But in its original Call of Duty: Ghosts announcement for next-generation consoles, Activision said it was building "a new engine" and that the game would be powered by "a next generation Call of Duty engine".
According to Infinity Ward animation lead Zach Volker, however, this year's game isn't running on an all-new engine, but a version of the same engine as prior games with 'significant upgrades'.

Speaking with the Official PlayStation Magazine, Volker said, "When we're talking about a new engine we're talking about upgrading significant systems within in that engine. We're not talking about throwing it all away and saying we're starting from the ground up".

He went on to say that it's "impossible to develop a new engine from the ground up in a two year cycle".

Volker elaborated, "What we do is we say, 'okay what are the things that are significant and that we would say that are encompassing of the engine or its visual quality?

"Are those being upgraded in a significant way? Alright, then I think that warrants that we've got a new engine on our hands".

Activision showcased a Call of Duty: Ghosts tech comparison video during Microsoft's Xbox One reveal event last week, showing how in-game assets from this year's new shooter compare to equivalents from 2011's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The reception has, in general, been underwhelming.

Microsoft confirmed during its Xbox One reveal event the continuation of its timed-exclusivity deal with Activision, which sees DLC for Call of Duty games arrive on Xbox before other platforms.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum



"Call of Duty: Ghosts engine is 'significantly upgraded, not all-new'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 108 comments

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Didn't they say this for the last Call of Duty, and the last one before that and before that? But hopefully it's as good as some of their other COD's like Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2.


Well I just hope it will be way better this time.


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.

Most of the customers aren't begging for a new engine..a few thousands on the internet begging for a new engine is trumped by the millions of people happy with the game. I don't know much about business but I assume IW and Activision had a legal contract. Activision pays them to put out games every 2 years. If they don't put out a game every 2 years, they break the contract. So if it takes them 2 years to make a new engine....they broke the contract. I don't think they have the freedom to just say "Hey, we aren't going to put out a game in 2 years, we're going to do what we want and put it out when we're ready." Even if they did, if I was them I wouldn't miss the money making opportunity of just putting it out everyday 2 years and making $500 million in the first 24 hours of release.

"Thousand" Twitter have you heard of it? Look daily at tweets toward's CoD and you will see that more than that wants a new engine and even more are unhappy with the game. It's ridiculous how much CoD gets hate on twitter. Considering each year CoD's rating go down in reviewer's eyes and even in the fan base then maybe something new would help. The whole rush a game out of production just for the money "plan" that you have is the reason for that. I compare it to the NCAA titles. Maybe spending some time developing something that people will actually play for more than six months might help those ratings. Just saying waiting a while could help and maybe Activision will do that one day. But I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Most people enjoying COD don't have time to sit on twitter and bitch because they're too busy enjoying COD. So idc what twitter says.


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.

Most of the customers aren't begging for a new engine..a few thousands on the internet begging for a new engine is trumped by the millions of people happy with the game. I don't know much about business but I assume IW and Activision had a legal contract. Activision pays them to put out games every 2 years. If they don't put out a game every 2 years, they break the contract. So if it takes them 2 years to make a new engine....they broke the contract. I don't think they have the freedom to just say "Hey, we aren't going to put out a game in 2 years, we're going to do what we want and put it out when we're ready." Even if they did, if I was them I wouldn't miss the money making opportunity of just putting it out everyday 2 years and making $500 million in the first 24 hours of release.

"Thousand" Twitter have you heard of it? Look daily at tweets toward's CoD and you will see that more than that wants a new engine and even more are unhappy with the game. It's ridiculous how much CoD gets hate on twitter. Considering each year CoD's rating go down in reviewer's eyes and even in the fan base then maybe something new would help. The whole rush a game out of production just for the money "plan" that you have is the reason for that. I compare it to the NCAA titles. Maybe spending some time developing something that people will actually play for more than six months might help those ratings. Just saying waiting a while could help and maybe Activision will do that one day. But I don't see it happening anytime soon.

It is so funny because they have to approve all the comments for their trailers on youtube because 80% of them are bashing the game.

People that like it most of the time just watch it and leave. The people that hate it take the time to hate on it. It's like a voluntary response survey asking "How do you feel about *insert topic here*". The people who feel strongly about it will take the time to respond..everyone

Nice try though


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.

Most of the customers aren't begging for a new engine..a few thousands on the internet begging for a new engine is trumped by the millions of people happy with the game. I don't know much about business but I assume IW and Activision had a legal contract. Activision pays them to put out games every 2 years. If they don't put out a game every 2 years, they break the contract. So if it takes them 2 years to make a new engine....they broke the contract. I don't think they have the freedom to just say "Hey, we aren't going to put out a game in 2 years, we're going to do what we want and put it out when we're ready." Even if they did, if I was them I wouldn't miss the money making opportunity of just putting it out everyday 2 years and making $500 million in the first 24 hours of release.

"Thousand" Twitter have you heard of it? Look daily at tweets toward's CoD and you will see that more than that wants a new engine and even more are unhappy with the game. It's ridiculous how much CoD gets hate on twitter. Considering each year CoD's rating go down in reviewer's eyes and even in the fan base then maybe something new would help. The whole rush a game out of production just for the money "plan" that you have is the reason for that. I compare it to the NCAA titles. Maybe spending some time developing something that people will actually play for more than six months might help those ratings. Just saying waiting a while could help and maybe Activision will do that one day. But I don't see it happening anytime soon.

It is so funny because they have to approve all the comments for their trailers on youtube because 80% of them are bashing the game.


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.

Most of the customers aren't begging for a new engine..a few thousands on the internet begging for a new engine is trumped by the millions of people happy with the game. I don't know much about business but I assume IW and Activision had a legal contract. Activision pays them to put out games every 2 years. If they don't put out a game every 2 years, they break the contract. So if it takes them 2 years to make a new engine....they broke the contract. I don't think they have the freedom to just say "Hey, we aren't going to put out a game in 2 years, we're going to do what we want and put it out when we're ready." Even if they did, if I was them I wouldn't miss the money making opportunity of just putting it out everyday 2 years and making $500 million in the first 24 hours of release.

"Thousand" Twitter have you heard of it? Look daily at tweets toward's CoD and you will see that more than that wants a new engine and even more are unhappy with the game. It's ridiculous how much CoD gets hate on twitter. Considering each year CoD's rating go down in reviewer's eyes and even in the fan base then maybe something new would help. The whole rush a game out of production just for the money "plan" that you have is the reason for that. I compare it to the NCAA titles. Maybe spending some time developing something that people will actually play for more than six months might help those ratings. Just saying waiting a while could help and maybe Activision will do that one day. But I don't see it happening anytime soon.


Hollywood_Undead Graphics and slight engine upgrade -once said TREYARCH
Same is being said by IW.
Let me guess... New guns and new maps plus storyline and minor graphics changes?
I think so.

And they will make millions while doing it. Same thing year after year...

And children on this site will complain year after year about every COD. I honestly don't think of you know the definition of a sequel.

This isn't a sequel dipsh!t. I left cod because it was the same thing year after year. I just got bored. I now game on the PC and have more fun than ever before. I want to see a major gameplay change in CoD like an MMO similar to maybe Planetside.

It's a sequel to the COD series. And what the hell does you gaming on PC have to do with anything? COD is on the PC too, and I play PS2 too. I play it on the high/max or whatever the highest graphic option is called. It's fun, but I still have more fun sitting on COD playing some TDM with a group of friends.

Better graphics =/= fun.
Someone disagreeing with you and calling out your ******** =/=troll.

All I was saying was that I left CoD and eventually left for PC. CoD is not that popular on the PC because there are better games.

LOL so your saying every game in a game franchise is a direct sequel to the previous game and should look and feel the exact same with little to no improvements.

If you look at most other games, their sequels look different and feel different with years of innovation and improvement behind them. Most people kids these days have not seen a proper game sequel because all they play is Call of Duty.


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.

Most of the customers aren't begging for a new engine..a few thousands on the internet begging for a new engine is trumped by the millions of people happy with the game. I don't know much about business but I assume IW and Activision had a legal contract. Activision pays them to put out games every 2 years. If they don't put out a game every 2 years, they break the contract. So if it takes them 2 years to make a new engine....they broke the contract. I don't think they have the freedom to just say "Hey, we aren't going to put out a game in 2 years, we're going to do what we want and put it out when we're ready." Even if they did, if I was them I wouldn't miss the money making opportunity of just putting it out everyday 2 years and making $500 million in the first 24 hours of release.


Yin I say this is a good thing. They don't need to waste time making a whole new engine when the one they have now works fine. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. I actually feel better about this game now. I was terrified it was going to have an all new engine, which could ruin the feel of it. In my opinion, Halo 3 ruined what Halo 2 was. I'm glad the same isn't happening here.

Exactly. Children on here just want to find ways to complain about Call of Duty. They've been saying they won't buy another COD since MW2 but they still come on every single COD news post and *****. And yes! Halo 2 was imo the best Halo ever(because it had online multiplayer) and Halo 3 just felt too overdone.

Didn't say I wasn't going to buy another CoD... Just said they had the potential to make this one as great as the old ones but if it's just going to be like MW3 when they could do so much more its just a disappointment. Also just realized this kid is a troll account that was made a couple of days ago. Sad...

So if they make a whole new engine it will be different then MW3 just because the graphics are better? Lol please stop.

No. It probably won't be different than MW3 but it's a start. Why don't they at least try. You want to know why? Because CoD gave up a long time ago listening to the customers. Also I don't think you quite understand engines. It would add other possibilities besides just graphics improvements. That would be the majority but not all. I do agree with you that gaming on the PC is extremely boring. The only thing I use it for is RPG's.


Hollywood_Undead Graphics and slight engine upgrade -once said TREYARCH
Same is being said by IW.
Let me guess... New guns and new maps plus storyline and minor graphics changes?
I think so.

And they will make millions while doing it. Same thing year after year...

And children on this site will complain year after year about every COD. I honestly don't think of you know the definition of a sequel.

This isn't a sequel dipsh!t. I left cod because it was the same thing year after year. I just got bored. I now game on the PC and have more fun than ever before. I want to see a major gameplay change in CoD like an MMO similar to maybe Planetside.

It's a sequel to the COD series. And what the hell does you gaming on PC have to do with anything? COD is on the PC too, and I play PS2 too. I play it on the high/max or whatever the highest graphic option is called. It's fun, but I still have more fun sitting on COD playing some TDM with a group of friends.

Better graphics =/= fun.
Someone disagreeing with you and calling out your bullshit =/=troll.