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Battlefield 4: Turning a Helicopter Tutorial

Tutorial Name: Battlefield 4: Turning a Helicopter Tutorial  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: Thespian

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Comments: 3

Views: 1,179

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Turning a Helicopter

Once you understand flying forwards and backwards, it's time to learn how to turn. As mentioned in the first lesson, use A/D on PC and left / right on the left stick for consoles to turn the heli to the left and right -- also known as yaw left and yaw right. However, that simple turn is only useful when hovering. When on the move, you'll need to perform a "banking turn."

Banking Turn
Before you can perform a Banking Turn, you must learn how to roll. To roll a helicopter, use the left and right arrow buttons on PC or left and right on the right stick on consoles. Seems simple enough.

Now, to perform a banking turn (whilst moving forwards or backwards), you will need to roll the craft slightly to the side while giving it forward/backwards speed and providing enough lift to keep the heli airborne. Sounds difficult, so lets break it down: Gain some speed by pitching the nose down, keep the heli airborne by throttling up, roll the vehicle the direction you wish to turn, and yaw in the same direction to complete the banking turn. This particular maneuver will take some practice, but is necessary when piloting a helicopter out on the battlefield.


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"Battlefield 4: Turning a Helicopter Tutorial" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Nice job with this I suck at flying them so much


Thank you so much, I was stuck on this!


This is something that many people need to look at.