PSN maintenance scheduled for over nine hours on Monday

The PlayStation Network will go down for scheduled maintenance next week.

Sony has announced the next round of PSN’s scheduled maintenance.

This one is a bit long, clocking in at nearly ten hours. It begins Monday, May 11 at 7:30pm PDT / 2:30am GMT and ends Tuesday, May 12 at 5:00am PDT / 12:00pm GMT.

It will affect the PlayStation Store, PSN account management, and PlayStation Video. Online play will only be available if you’ve signed into your account within 24 hours prior to the downtime.

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"PSN maintenance scheduled for over nine hours on Monday" :: Login/Create an Account :: 36 comments

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At least their fixing the problems unlike some


Damn that is one long ass maintenance. Good luck to you PS users.


lol this makes no sense to me if you know networking and stuff youll understand "Online play will only be available if youve signed into your account within 24 hours prior to the downtime". like wtf? do they stop accepting requests to sign in or somthing lol


It's good for psn Xbox should do this


Maintenance is always good, I've just never understood why Sony always had to take down their networks to do it. Why don't they do integrated maintenance like Microsoft is my only question


Guess i'll be going on xbox one then :/