Nintendo Reversing it's Lets Play Copyright Claim Policy?

Earlier this year Nintendo was filing copyright claims on popular Youtube Lets Play channels. Instead of the content being completely removed, ads were placed on the video to create revenue directly to Nintendo instead of the original content creator.

After many of these popular Youtuber's stated that they will no longer be doing these Lets Plays because there was no monetary incentive, Nintendo realized that the value of these streams as advertising tools, as some are reporting the return of their revenue stream.

According to Reggie Fils-Aime at E3, the move was done to protect Nintendo’s IP and not against any one YouTube personality.

“The fans need to understand that we see the issue, we understand the issue, but, right now, all we’ve done is take the first step to protect our IP.”

Nintendo filed claims on YouTube to claim the content as its own in order to hold up to copyright and trademark laws, but they seem to acknowledge that providing thse players with a financial incentive to continue playing their games and bringing them to the public eye is better than not having those games on YouTube at all.


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"Nintendo Reversing it's Lets Play Copyright Claim Policy?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 64 comments

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Nintendo and companies like EA are making a lot of mistakes and fixes recently.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

Nintendo hasn't been making great choices lately in regards to their consoles.

they may have had some good choices, but they are still not making alot more money, they just cant keep up with the other consoles that are out they, wii is more for kids, but parents are letting kids get the ps or xbox's at a young age.


thats good, the players already payed for the game, and shouldn't have to let nintendo take money with adverts on it.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

Nintendo hasn't been making great choices lately in regards to their consoles.
It was another source of profit for them and they believed they were protecting their work by controlling the YouTube Nintendo industry.


Katsumi If a large company makes a decision i would think they will stick to it. Very disappointing Nintendo

I'm sure people were complaining about it and they didn't want to deal with it.

I guess so. I cant help but think this is a bad business decision by them though.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

I don't even know what it looked like when it was posted on people's YouTube videos.
All it did was when you were watching Nintendo gameplay, all the ads would be nintendo ads and the youtuber himself would see none of this money from youtube.

Seems kinda unfair that the people uploading wouldn't get money. Especially if they were partnered. At least Nintendo isn't doing this anymore.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

I don't even know what it looked like when it was posted on people's YouTube videos.
All it did was when you were watching Nintendo gameplay, all the ads would be nintendo ads and the youtuber himself would see none of this money from youtube.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

Nintendo hasn't been making great choices lately in regards to their consoles.


Gossip It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.

I don't even know what it looked like when it was posted on people's YouTube videos.


It was such a horrible idea to do that in the first place.