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Description: Izabelas Letter: When you go down the stairs to reach the bottom floor, stop halfway down and look through the...


Views: 1,087

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Chapter One 1:1 Inside the fort in the farthest southern room. 1:2 Hidden inside a secret room beyond the first...


Views: 1,145

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Requirements For this achievement you'll need collect all the enigma codes that are over the game. Unlocks Enigma...


Views: 1,477

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: During the course of your multiplayer career teammates will die, its the fact of an fps. When they are down they are...


Views: 535

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Kill 3 floating enemies. During your escape from the train station you will come to a part where you and the enemies...


Views: 464

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: Finish a match on Bank, spending the majority of your time on the winning team. (1 min minimum) For this map you...


Views: 596

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Description: 0-fault Fusion Factory with the Quad Bike. Earn the Quadratic trophy/achievement by completing a zero-fault run on...


Views: 766

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Complete all 'Unyielding' Track Challenges in the first 8 Events. For this achievement, you will need to complete...


Views: 1,212

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Hold a 'Proud Hero' pose to your demise, dressed in an Excavator outfit. After the FMX training program in career...


Views: 645

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: Build up your multiplier early in the Trick Master map, you'll be able to get it to 5 with a clean run, then towards...


Views: 686

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. Reaching the next open area, look ahead for a two-story building with a 27 labeled on the side. Get upstairs to find...


Views: 591

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. After dropping down onto the highway, look for a destroyed SUV to your left, near a bus. 2. Past the driving...


Views: 771

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. When you reach the bridge of the ship, youll be able to take control of turrets. Youll also be able to find intel,...


Views: 697

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. The level begins with a large courtyard. Dont exit the area yet, instead look for stairs leading up into a tower on...


Views: 545

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. Entering the warehouse through the skylights, cross the catwalks and enter a small room with stairs leading down....


Views: 695

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. After having your eyes scanned, cross to the far right end of the server room. The intel is on a desk, just right of...


Views: 741

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. When youre in control, simply turn right to find the intel in plain sight. 2. After cracking open the gate and...


Views: 782

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. After fighting up the hillside, youll reach a helipad where youll encounter drones. After getting the objective to...


Views: 652

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: 1. When youre in control and ordered to hunt down the Mortar Teams, youll drop out of the back of your carrier....


Views: 724

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Description: http://i59.tinypic.com/2v0db9l.jpg As a Soldier, Vanquish 2 Players using a single ZPG...


Views: 1,247

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials