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Description: Step 1: Find a YouTube video you want to download and copy the URL. Step 2: Go to keepvid and enter the URL you...


Views: 1,599

Description: 1 Download the live image from the fedoraproject website . 2 Burn the .iso image to a CD, DVD or a USB stick....


Views: 1,453

Description: 1: Create a new canvas. Make the background black by making sure your foreground color on the pallete is black and then...


Views: 827

Description: 1: Create new image ( I used 1024 x 768 but this depend on you) and fill it with "Black". Create new layer and select...


Views: 1,021

Description: CPU Virtualization is a hardware feature found in all current AMD & Intel CPUs that allows a single processor to...


Views: 796

Description: Step 1 Create a 400 x 400 document and with the Layer tool, create a 80 px diameter circle. Add a White & Black...


Views: 695

Description: Start with a new blank document in 300 dpi (Ctrl+N), then create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and name it...


Views: 1,141

Description: To create an image with an old paper effect: 1.Create a new document that is 500 x 160 pixels. 2.Draw a...


Views: 2,107

Description: http://www.voidix.com/images/tutorialimages/fireworks/image_adjust_1.gif First we are going to adjust the hue and...


Views: 588

Description: 1: Create a new image canvas, 600x450 is what i used. fill the background layer with solid black using the bucket fill...


Views: 684

Description: 1: Create a new Image. 640480. You can take any size. Apply Filter / Render / Clouds /...


Views: 1,565

Description: 1: Create a new image with a black background and 1024768 size. - At first we have to do some brush settings. Select...


Views: 2,673

Description: 1: Open up any image in GIMP and go to your Layers dialog, then click on the duplicate icon button so that you have two...


Views: 1,292

Description: In this tutorial I will show you how to use the for and foreach loops in your programs. First, create your project and...


Views: 1,487

Description: 1: Create a new image (700px * 700px) with a black background colour. http://plumcap.com/images/18eed0.png 2: ...


Views: 959

Description: 1: Create a new File: 600600px. Background shall be black. - Layer / Transparency / Add alpha...


Views: 1,864

Description: 1. Open up the eye stock image provided (here). Resize and sharpen the image to an appropriate size. Now use the clone...


Views: 806

Description: 1: Create a 600x450 image. If you want the image I have used, it is provided (here). 2: Fill the background with...


Views: 1,258

Description: 1: The first thing we'll do is add in a large wooden texture. Create a new document in the GIMP that is 1600x1200...


Views: 1,411

Description: 1: Create a new image: 10241024px. Dont be afraid the splash screen will be cropped...


Views: 1,437