Technology News

“Google+ is about sharing the right updates with the right people – making sharing online just like sharing in real life. Just like in real life, sometimes you just want to hang out with friends. Hanging out on Google+, with your family, your friends, or new friends you don’t yet know, is more than just multi-user video chat. It’s about eliminating borders and bringing people together more
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A while back, I took at look at the for the new massively multiplayer game from BioWare, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Well, as of the 20th, the game is officially launched, but for the past week some lucky players have been included in the pre-launch, leveling up our characters and generally trying to get as much neat stuff as possible before the servers really fill up. Still, with some extra more
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To the casual eye, China’s social media landscape might look diverse and lively. But the social media clones are careful to follow Communist Party censorship. As the showdown escalated between Chinese security forces and residents of Wukan, where villagers revolted against the Chinese Communist Party, you didn’t find as much discussion of the incident in Chinese social media as you might more
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Online gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry that serves millions of gamers around the world. But it suffers from a problem: cheating. Some players give themselves an unfair advantage by using 'cheat software' to see through walls or to automatically shoot moving characters. Cheat software is banned but in the sophisticated economies that have evolved in these worlds, cheaters can generate a more
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It is difficult to talk about Minecraft in such small terms since it now encompasses so many things: a genre-making game, a fresh subculture for jaded Lego collectors, a medium for artistic expression, and more, all in a single package. Just to touch on the bare essentials, Minecraft is a procedurally-generated sandbox game that combines exploration, construction, crafting and supply management; more
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Rift publisher Trion Worlds' account database has been hacked, potentially compromising information including user names, encrypted passwords, dates of birth, email addresses, billing addresses, and the first and last four digits and expiration dates of customer credit cards. The firm said in a statement that "there is no evidence, and we have no reason to believe, that full credit card more
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Hacktivist group Anonymous has promised to strike back with an internet blackout if the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is approved. A vote on the legislation was delayed this week and is not likely to be held until the new year. However, Anonymous suggested that this delay is a smokescreen, and that the law "further proves the reality of corporate rule and totalitarianism".
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It often happens that when two similar products are competing in the industry, fans will band together to promote their favorite while doing whatever they can to denigrate the other product. This isn't a new phenomenon. As a kid I remember my uncles arguing over Ford vs Chevrolet with the same intensity that I hear in iOS vs Android battles today.
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The Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and NBC's wild-card playoff games will be streamed online and on mobile phones for the first time, the NFL announced Tuesday. The games will be streamed online at and through SNF Extra, which features an HD broadcast, DVR-style controls, additional camera angles, in-game highlights, live statistics and interactive elements.
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We have heard about people who have legally changed their name to a product, a celebrity's name or even a fictional character in the past. Now it looks like one person's act of changing his name to match that of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg could bring some interesting legal issues along with it.
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