Technology News

After months of rumours Apple has officially revealed the iPad mini, along with the fourth generation iPad. Apple showed iPad Mini being held in one hand. It's 7.2mm thin, 53 per cent lighter, and weighs 0.68lbs. It'll come in black and white trims. The all-important screen size is 7.9 inches, with the exact same 1024x758 resolution screen as the full-size iPad 2. It's powered by the more
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Minecraft creator Markus 'Notch' Persson continues his unusually public development of his new game, 0x10c, with more released video. This time Notch teases players will multiplayer, as he takes the early FPS for a spin with two players. 0x10c is taking shape as a first-person space-themed game, with an interesting mechanic which allows players to interact with a programmable 16-bit computer more
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Two months ago, the Skype app for Windows 8 leaked on the Internet, showing a glimpse of what the Microsoft division had in store for Windows 8 users. Now Microsoft has made the design official in a new post on the Skype Blog showing off the video calling service's new Windows 8 app. The blog post, written by Mark Gillett, chief development and operations officer at Skype, focuses on the Metro more
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Minecraft 1.4, AKA the Pretty Scary Update, arrives on October 24. Until then, the 1.4 pre-release is available now for download on developer Mojang's site. Remember, this isn't the public update, so if you'd rather avoid the risk of installing-at-your-own-risk then you only have to wait five more days. The Pretty Scary Update brings with it a namesake amount of changes and additions, more
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On Tuesday, Microsoft replaced the Zune Music service on the Xbox 360 game console with Xbox Music. Xbox Music will also be available for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices, as well as Windows Phone smartphones. With the launch of Xbox Music comes the death of another well known brand at Microsoft, Zune. As of this week, visitors who head to will find that they will be redirected to a more
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Electronic Arts was forced to close down a free games promotion over the weekend as users discovered that their discount codes did not expire after use. Thousands of gamers had been informed of the gaffe via social networks and Reddit posts, before EA closed the loophole nearly a full day after it was discovered. What EA intended was to offer a $20 discount on Origin games to users who more
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Earlier this week District Court Judge Liam O’Grady denied Megaupload’s request to drop the company from the indictment. The judge, however, noted that the cyberlocker could ask for a temporary dismissal until it is decided whether the U.S. Government can serve Megaupload. This ruling surprised Kim Dotcom and his legal team, who quickly filed a new motion pointing out that they already made more
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Things just haven’t been going well for what’s left of Lulzsec. ‘Neuron,’ one of the hackers responsible for breaking into Sony Pictures’ website and stealing personal information on thousands of people, has just plead guilty before a Los Angeles Federal Court. Neuron, who’s real name is Raynaldo Rivera (he also goes by royal and wildicv, if any of those ring a bell), said that he more
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I've heard of some pretty outrageous phone bills in my time, but nothing so ridiculous as the €11,721,000,000,000,000 a French woman had to pay to close her phone account. Solenne San Jose, from Pessac in the Bordeaux region of southwestern France, was understandably shocked to hear she had to pay so much money - 11.7 quadrillion euros - saying "there were so many zeroes I couldn't even work more
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WoW Insider reported that the problem was happening to those in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Tarren Mill, Ragnaros, Draenor, and Twisting Nether, where players and NPCs were dying instantly. Blizzard has issued a hotfix as of this afternoon and has promised that "it's safe to continue playing and adventuring in major cities and elsewhere in Azeroth." Blizzard has also requested that anyone who has more
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