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Former Stooges frontman Iggy Pop is bringing his immaculately waxed chest to Lego Rock Band. Well, we guess he’s bringing the rest of himself as well, but come on, look at that. Iggy will be shrinking down and rocking out to his own “The Passenger,” along with whatever else you might want to play. If it’s not “The Passenger,” though, he won’t enjoy more
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Each one is precisely handpainted by Rachelle Williams of ParadoxArtistry, and covered with imagery of all of your favorite Super Mario characters. At $160 smackeroos a pair, they're not cheap, but think about how much two original paintings and a pair of high-tops would cost you and then it doesn't seem that bad. While the pair shown above is a Men's size 11, Rachelle will happily make you more
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Important note for PAX attendees only: Okay, before we get into this, you have to promise us you're not going to panic. Promise? Okay. Some people who attended PAX have been stricken by confirmed cases of swine flu. So, if you were there, and you start feeling sick (like many apparently have), don't freak out, but do go to your doctor right away. There's a list of flights over at more
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Chart-Track reported that PlayStation 3 rose 999 percent (exclamation point!) in the week of the PS3 Slim launch, but without some actual context, that's just a crazy-sounding percentage. MCV provides us some (partial) context, estimating that 40,000 PS3 Slims were sold in that period. This also means that a paltry 4,000 (ish) were sold the previous week. MCV arrived at that number more
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It appears that Wallace and Gromit Ep.2: The Last Resort will not make its appointed rounds on Xbox Live Arcade this week. The game has been pulled and "will release at a future TBD date," according to Major Nelson. There's still Sonic and Knuckles on XBLA this week-- but their adventure isn't as grand.
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With Major Nelson taking this day of labor off, we look across the pond for word on this week's Xbox Live Arcade title. As previously noted, it appears Sonic and Knuckles will be this week's release at 400 ($5). The good word comes from European Xbox community manager "AceyBongos," which just doesn't have the same ring as "Major Nelson." Could Microsoft at least make the more
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Inside Xbox - Tour of Treyarch Studios JD 2020 takes you on a little tour of Treyarch Studios with some cool call of duty world at war facts mixed into the tour
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Just like this. IN 31 seconds the thieves made off with 23 Macbook Pro's, 14 iPhones and 9 iPod Touch. Wow. And did anybody else find it annoying how the reporter was speaking during the video? "Watch again as the thieves show skilled practice at bringing down that plate glass door. And savvy enough to wear masks knowing there would be surveillance cameras ALL OVER THE more
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From Tai Chiem, the same designer who conceptualized XBox 720 comes this PS4. And here I've been thinking it was a baseball cap glued to a coffee table. Silly me. As the designer expects, the Playstation 4 will sport a high end touch screen rather than glossy body that the current generation gaming console sports. The CD ROM has a sexy placement and a gloss cover that can be more
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We're just going to come out and say it: Ben Heckendorn -- AKA Ben Heck -- has absolutely no respect for manufacturer warranties. The man cracks open every single piece of hardware he comes across, voiding warranties like blades of grass through a lawnmower. Case in point: observe his latest affront on warrantability, an Xbox 360 controller with buttons where the D-pad should be. Worse more
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