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Whoa! We've put quite a bit of time into Modern Warfare 2's online multiplayer offerings, but we've yet to unlock a perk that lets you rapid fire grenades, or jump 80 feet into the air without succumbing to death upon landing. However, the soldiers seen in the video after the jump seem to be doing just that. Is it, like, a prestige perk, or something? Well, it couldn't possibly be more
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The console version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has allegedly been recalled in Russia due to the controversial "No Russian" scene. Hellforge's translation of a Russian report claims that a censored console version will be released later this month in the region, and that an official patch removing the scene from PC and Steam versions is en route. It would seem that the choice of more
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In a positively baffling announcement, Microsoft's Major Nelson has tweeted that Xbox Live has reached a new record: Two million simultaneous users. That means two million people were logged into Xbox Live at the same time earlier today. The puzzling question is this: What in the world could have possibly driven so many people to sign synchronously onto Xbox Live? We can only assume that people more
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Did you know that there's a murderer in your house ... right now? It's sitting there on your coffee table, in your Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC. It's name is Modern Warfare 2, and it lets your eight-year-old child become a terrorist and kill people. Our pals at Fox & Friends got together for a "fair and balanced" discussion about the game's controversial airport scene, with the more
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With his brother dying in the war and his father abusing the whole family, you'd think that Niko Bellic had lost enough, but now Activision has to come along and take away one of the few things he had left: His day-one sales record. Activision announced today that Modern Warfare 2 sold an estimated 4.7 million units in its first 24 hours in North America and the UK alone, which far exceeds the more
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While it might be tempting to go straight to Craigslist with those Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360 bundles you stole, it turns out that Activision notices exciting, high-profile offers just like your potential customers might. VentureBeat reports that when Activision noticed a listing for one of the bundles last Thursday, the company hired a private investigation firm,, to track down more
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Ok so there seems to be lots of fake Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Icon videos on youtube we have the real ones thanks to ttg_killer the video shows you the Prestiges 1 -10 also if you want to download this video and upload it yourself (click here) So tell us everyone what do you think of these new icons??
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Its true Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward won't be allowing the use of the Xbox 360's party chat feature during ranked multiplayer playlists in its upcoming title. Since a distinction in the post is made between different styles of online matches (ranked and social), we have seen that function will not be utilized throughout all of Modern Warfare 2's online playlists. This story was more
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Remember Greg Strope? No? Perhaps you'll remember his dog, Oscar, who purchased 5000 Microsoft Points -- worth $62.50 -- last week while his owner slept. At the time, we reported that Strope was out of luck thanks to Microsoft's "no refunds" policy. As it turns out, Microsoft contacted Joystiq to inform us that it will refund Strope's money after all, and will be "providing extra for good more
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While most Xbox owners are patently aware of the dangers of late night, impulse Microsoft Point purchases, we imagine no one ever worried about their dog doing the same thing. And yet Greg Strope of Richmond, Virginia tells Fox News that his dog, Oscar, purchased 5000 Microsoft Points, adding up to a total of $62.50. Strope says he received an email while he was sleeping and discovered it was a more
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