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Streaming video service provider Hulu has today confirmed a $9.99 per month subscription-based model called Hulu Plus and, next to the likes of iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, it’s coming to both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. First in line this time around is Sony; the service launches on the PS3 as soon as next month, allowing viewers to stream TV shows old and new in 720p quality. Xbox 360 more
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Capcom’s upcoming zombie-slaying sequel, Dead Rising 2, will miss its previously announced date with retail, and will instead arrive an entire month later. The title was supposed to release August 31 in North American and September 3 in Europe, but now the game will arrive on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 September 28 and October 1 in each market. Capcom didn’t provide any details as to more
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It seems that the general consensus on Bioshock 2 has been that it was a pretty good game that didn’t do any damage to the franchise, but it didn’t exactly take it to new heights either. However it looks like gamers weren’t the only people slightly disappointed by the outing, as Take-Two chief executive Ben Feder points out Bioshock 2’s inability to meet sales expectations. Despite more
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Bungie’s Halo: Reach, due out in September, reached a development milestone this week, as the Washington State-based studio announced the game has reached Zero Bug Release status. The news stems from Bungie’s Creative Director Marcus Lehto, writing on the Reach Noble Actual development blog. “Since E3, we have been crushing bugs and working 24/7. It’s been brutal, but we did get to more
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Best throw those hopes for a 2010 Nintendo 3DS launch that rumor earlier in the week gave right out the window; while demoing the new Donkey Kong on Jimmy Fallon last night (video below), Nintendo of America boss man Reggie Fils-Aime gave the 3D-enabled handheld a 2011 launch window. The earlier rumor originated from a UK retail source and Fallon is a US show, granted, but it seems unlikely more
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It’s the classic Shakespearian story - a new videogame system introduces motion control to the masses and its competitors rush to copy it. So, in these tense moments before launch, what’s more popular - Sony’s Move or Microsoft’s Kinect? According to EEDAR, the answer is yes. Based on their polling, Move and Kinect actually have equal resonance with the gaming public. Explains an more
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Albert Penello, senior director of global marketing for Xbox 360, has said that Microsoft wants to put the console’s hardware failure issues behind it.Speaking with IndustryGamers, Penello said that the lack of rings on the slimmer 360 model is part of putting the RROD fiasco to rest.“Well, you know it’s unfortunate and, believe me, it’s my least favorite thing to talk about, part of our more
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An eagle-eyed member for the NeoGAF forums spotted a couple of interesting screenshots - one above and two below - and started to wonder out loud if they could possibly be the next version of the Xbox dashboard. From the screens, things look less 3D but seem to provide more information at the same time, as the front tiles are not hogging all the screen real estate. Then again, with this placement more
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Hold on to your Spartan helmets, Halo fans. Bungie came *this* close to making a Master Chief-starring Halo 4. Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, Bungie community director Brian Jarrard revealed that the idea was considered during pre-production of what became Halo: Reach. “Even before the idea to build a game based around Reach came about, a lot of other concepts were explored, up to and more
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The Microsoft Store's official Twitter account is inviting folks to try Kinect at its stores "nationwide," which sounds a lot more impressive before the realization hits that there are only four locations in the entire country. The MS Twitter account also notes that Kinectimals will be shown off this weekend. Anyway, if you live near one of the four stores found in the western part of the more
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