Twitch will now save the entire chat with stream archives

Twitch now allows you to relive the meme and emote-filled horror that is the chat when you’re watching archived streams.

Twitch has announced that it’s brining live and archived content closer together by allowing users watching archived streams to see a replay of the show’s chat.

The feature is called Chat Replay, and it’ll be rolling out in the next few weeks. The displayed chat will be a copy of what the streamer and live audience witnessed while the show was live.

Everything will be replayed, including sub notifications, badges, etc. Moderated messages will remain hidden, however, and moderators can go back to delete ones they may have missed during the live shows.

The company has already begun capturing chat messages on new livestreams, and will be adding them to relevant archives in the next few days.

The feature was developed with help from the creator of ReChat, a browser extension which offered the same service.

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"Twitch will now save the entire chat with stream archives" :: Login/Create an Account :: 21 comments

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Yes now my copy past spam will be archived forever
"ok chat please can you stop spamming these rude words you see I am a beautiful flower and these words really upset me if you do not stop this spam I will be forced to call twitch services YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED"
4Head TriHard OpieOP cmonBruh