Fallout 4 frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One”

High scores it may have, but Fallout 4’s console frame-rate isn’t as stable as many would like.

Digital Foundry has confirmed the inevitable: Fallout 4’s frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS line on PS4 and Xbox One”.

The Bethesda RPG’s final content embargo has now lifted, with review scores ranging from clean 10s to a 7.5 from Destructoid. Expect the subject of Fallout 4’s platform performance to rage long and hard.

Check out DF’s analysis below. Fallout 4 releases at midnight tonight.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2015/11/09/fallout-4s-frame-rate-can-drop-to-the-low-20-fps-line-on-ps4-and-xbox-one/


"Fallout 4 frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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That's not good playing on 20fps sucks