Fallout 4 frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One”

High scores it may have, but Fallout 4’s console frame-rate isn’t as stable as many would like.

Digital Foundry has confirmed the inevitable: Fallout 4’s frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS line on PS4 and Xbox One”.

The Bethesda RPG’s final content embargo has now lifted, with review scores ranging from clean 10s to a 7.5 from Destructoid. Expect the subject of Fallout 4’s platform performance to rage long and hard.

Check out DF’s analysis below. Fallout 4 releases at midnight tonight.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2015/11/09/fallout-4s-frame-rate-can-drop-to-the-low-20-fps-line-on-ps4-and-xbox-one/


"Fallout 4 frame-rate “can drop to the low 20 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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Should've just ran it at 900p. Would like fine and be stable.. so pointless for the 1080p sell point. Frames > Res.


Luckily haven't ran in to this problem yet and hopefully I won't later in the game either.


There is so much hype for this game. Most will dislike this game because they will run into problems like this one. No game is perfect. Im still excited for this game though.


Cyimking Eh. It's way too early but I will assume that the next Elder Scrolls would run at 60 FPS at 1080p with options up to 10k graphics for PC. I wouldn't be surprise if MS / PS upgraded the consoles to run up to 4k as well. This game is there first current gen consoles so I didn't expect much but ES5 should look and feel much better than F4.

There won't be 4k games on current Gen consoles. It just isn't possible with the hardware they have. If they struggle with this then they'd be fried by anything higher even with perfect optimization. The most important thing Sony and Microsoft can do for their next systems is make sure they can handle 1080p/60fps consistently on every game. Its 2015 there really isn't an excuse except for the price of each console.


Dam thats pretty crazy! even current gen! Cant imagine last gen!


Eh. It's way too early but I will assume that the next Elder Scrolls would run at 60 FPS at 1080p with options up to 10k graphics for PC. I wouldn't be surprise if MS / PS upgraded the consoles to run up to 4k as well. This game is there first current gen consoles so I didn't expect much but ES5 should look and feel much better than F4.


SocialExperiment Glorious PC Master race!

Lets not start the clearly winnable debate on why pc is superior we should just leave the war at a standalone.


Glorious PC Master race!


Oh well, doubt it is that bad


20 hours in on the Xbox version and i shoot my fat man multiple times without any frame rate drops, solid 30. Personally its better than the 5 Fps on the 360 when an explosion happens on Fallout 3 or NV...