Titanfall:freedom of movement makes higher player count uncomfortable

Titanfall’s comparatively low maximum player count came about as a direct result of the freedom of movement it re-introduces to the shooter genre.

Speaking with Polygon, lead designer Justin Hendry said that the fact that players can move in all directions across open maps means anything higher than 12 players is too chaotic.

“The higher the player count, the more uncomfortable the game gets,” he said.

“Unlike in most games where you can sit there and guard the two ways in, in Titanfall the guy can come in through the window right behind you, he can come from the window to your left, he can come from straight ahead, he can come in from the stairway and he can come in from the doorway, or whatever.

“Essentially there are five directions you can get killed from and the higher that player count, the more likely you are to get killed from behind and the more difficult it is to kind of manage your surroundings.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Hendry confirmed that along with AI and Titan mechs maps can play host to around 50 combatants. He stressed that Titanfall doesn’t play like other shooters, and shouldn’t be judged by those standards; if you go in looking to play a Call of Duty clone, you might not enjoy yourself.

Titanfall seems to be stepping away from the formulaic approach dogging multiplayer shooters of the past decade, a move which has met with surprising resistance from the community.

Respawn’s debut effort hits PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in March.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2014/01/09/titanfall-freedom-of-movement-makes-higher-player-counts-uncomfortable/


"Titanfall:freedom of movement makes higher player count uncomfortable" :: Login/Create an Account :: 54 comments

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For a game like this I think I would prefer more of a 10v10 but who knows it will still work out most likely


This is understandable. The last time I remember seeing a game this innovative, it was either Portal 1 or Brink. Let's hope it doesn't turn into Brink :


if the maps are a good size for 6v6 then hopefully it will be fast pace game


I guess we'll see how it plays over time, I'm still excited


I think 6v6 is good enough, plus all the AI's will make the game very fast pace.

I like how there won't be a lot of camping due to how many ways you can infiltrate a building. The game looks very promising at the moment and hopefully it stays that way.


It is a valid point. The large amount of players would make it congested.


Cyimking I doubt the map size will be as big as BF4.

Oh, i couldn't see the maps being anywhere as big as they are in Battlefield 4


I just want the option to have more, like a certain mode for it.....


I doubt the map size will be as big as BF4.


JimboSlice As long as the maps are the good enough size for the player count then it's all good.

Yep, I wouldn't want a large map with only 12 people on it

I couldn't see the maps being too huge in titanfall. You also need to take in mind that there will apparently be AI on the field