Minecraft in development for Wii U – rumour

Minecraft is already a voxel pandemic, but rumblings from the cube underworld suggest that a Wii U edition is currently in the works.

Nintendo Enthusiast claims its sources have confirmed the game’s development, and claims that the ‘developer’ – most likely Dundee’s 4J Studios – is in possession of Wii U dev kits now.

The project is said to be in development alongside PS4 and Xbox One editions, and that all three will launch summer, 2014. On Nintendo’s format, the Wii U GamePad is said to be a big focus.

Treat his as rumour for now.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2013/12/24/minecraft-in-development-for-wii-u-rumour/


"Minecraft in development for Wii U – rumour" :: Login/Create an Account :: 72 comments

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Xerophynx This is a good idea because a lot of little kids love this game and they all have WiiU's so its a perfect combination!

The idea got canceled in case you haven't seen


This is a good idea because a lot of little kids love this game and they all have WiiU's so its a perfect combination!


BronyForLife Why are they even bothering with the wii u

I guess they just want Minecraft on every modern console, makes sense to me

It doesn't matter what console it is but it will always sell.

pretty much, Minecraft is extremely popular at this point


It would be great, It would be a hit on yet another platform, PC was a success, the Xbox Edition was a Success, the Pocket Edition was a Success, so why the freak not! :D


i feel like that would do good, it would be nice to have a minecraft on the go that isnt on the ipod.


Aue Theres already minecraft for plenty other consoles, dont see the point in making it for this

So the people on the Wii U can play it...duh

just seems like a waste of time to make a game for the few people that actually play the wii u when they can focus on the other consoles and pc version that does have alot of people


Aue Theres already minecraft for plenty other consoles, dont see the point in making it for this

So the people on the Wii U can play it...duh


Theres already minecraft for plenty other consoles, dont see the point in making it for this


Should be interesting to see what they do with it


BronyForLife Why are they even bothering with the wii u

I guess they just want Minecraft on every modern console, makes sense to me

It doesn't matter what console it is but it will always sell.