EA CFO suggests 'new Battlefield' running on PS4

During a recent investor conference call, Electronic Arts chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen specifically referenced having seen "the new Battlefield" running on a PlayStation 4. EA has not announced Battlefield 4 as coming to Sony's new console - but it isn't unrealistic to imagine a new Battlefield on the new console anyway.

Jorgensen denied the implication that EA's absence from Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal conference meant their support of the new console wouldn't surface until 2014 or 2015. "I'd say between now and E3, you're going to see a lot of stuff from us," he said.

"The technical power on the platform is going to allow us to do a substantial amount of things that we've never done before"
"I've seen the new Battlefield and it is stunning, I mean it is just amazing; what the imagination of the game developers are allowed to do with that much power."

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Honestly, if the new consoles are $300, liked rumored, I will get next gen.

Hopefully I can find a job over the summer and save up some money to make that possible, I honestly would love to play a battlefield without so much hardware limitations.


Reduction Awesome! Looking forward to the next BF, so so much.

I agree, it will be so good.

it is gonna look really good!


B3ASTiixRAMPAG3 BF4 Will look amazing on the next gen consoles
But I hope they don't rush it or we'll have unfinished titles like CoD.

Unfinished like CoD?


Reduction Awesome! Looking forward to the next BF, so so much.

I agree, it will be so good.


B3ASTiixRAMPAG3 BF4 Will look amazing on the next gen consoles
But I hope they don't rush it or we'll have unfinished titles like CoD.

The graphics won't be greatly improved.. And CoD was never an unfinished title. Where the hell have you been.


BF4 Will look amazing on the next gen consoles
But I hope they don't rush it or we'll have unfinished titles like CoD.


ChicagoMadePunk Battlefield 4 is getting rushed.Thanks to EA.

Not like call of duty being crapped out every year or less.


Good news a next gen title :D


Awesome! Looking forward to the next BF, so so much.


nice :)