Sony UK boss: "What the PS4 does is more important than how it looks"

When Sony revealed the PS4, they didn't reveal the console itself. They didn't show off the PS4 hardware, beside from the DualShock 4 controller and the PSEye. There was "a bit of cynism" from fans after the conference, even though Sony presented more important things for a next gen system, PlayStation UK managing director Fergal Gara told sources:

"It's much more important to see what the damn thing does," Gara said. "The shiniest piece of black, green or purple plastic ever, you know, whatever, so what? It's not the most important thing."

As many of you know, the design of something can be it's selling point, aside from the specs of the console and how good a game looks, if the PlayStation 4 console just looks like a mis-shaped box, that may push consumers away.

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"Sony UK boss: "What the PS4 does is more important than how it looks"" :: Login/Create an Account :: 165 comments

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Maya Well i just wanna see it, the suspense is KILLING ME!

its already been revealed.


M60 Well i don't mind about the look as long as it performs good

Same... Looks do not matter to me.

yea! i hope it preforms good.


zR-Tx Well the looks are a big thing aswell. people want it to look good if they have it

Yeah, i don't think anyone wants a really bulky and bland-looking next-gen console.


Well the looks are a big thing aswell. people want it to look good if they have it


Well i just wanna see it, the suspense is KILLING ME!


M60 Well i don't mind about the look as long as it performs good

yea i hope they did good.


Well i don't mind about the look as long as it performs good


EMT I want to see the xbox so I can decide which to buy

I know I'm going with Xbox, I am excited to see what they've come up with though.

What if the Xbox turns out bad? You have to wait and see first :P

If the Xbox is bad then I'll go with a PC, we all know it won't be though!

join ps3 instead :D


xIIJazza I'd love to see it turn out to be a massive brick

For some reason I see that happening.

Ps4 actually looks good up to now

yea probably better than xbox.


xIIJazza I'd love to see it turn out to be a massive brick

For some reason I see that happening.

Ps4 actually looks good up to now