Sony: 'We're aware of our competition but we march to our own strategy'

Sony recently said that they are aware of the challenge Microsoft's Xbox 720 reveal presents, but isn't letting the competition change their strategy.

Jack Tretton, chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said that Sony is confident that holiday 2013 is the right time to launch their next console... regardless of what Microsoft may have in store.

"We've always had different competitors, we were in the space before Microsoft and we may be in the space after Microsoft" Tretton stated.

"We've seen competitors come and go, I think we're mindful of what we do. Quite frankly we believe that anything that adds attention and success in the gaming industry is good for us. We're aware of our competition but we march to own strategy and we're very confident that holiday 2013 is a great time to bring out PlayStation 4."

On the other hand, developers and other industry professionals have told sources that they expect Microsoft will reveal the next-gen Xbox for the first time in April.

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"Sony: 'We're aware of our competition but we march to our own strategy'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 152 comments

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I have confidence in Sony this year round.


as long as its free ps4


they have nothing to worry about because of ps4 comming.


pc is the best, forget about ps4 and xbox720


Compliance I still hope the 720 will be better :)

Me aswell bro :)


I still hope the 720 will be better :)


SOG I'm interested to see what Sony can come up with in the end...

hopefully something awesome

Its Sony.. of course they can.


SOG I'm interested to see what Sony can come up with in the end...

hopefully something awesome


Tuba maybe ps4 will go all out this year

Hopefully it will.

I still think the 720 will come out on top.

Yea. Microsoft usually outsells Sony.


SOG I'm interested to see what Sony can come up with in the end...

Same with me.