Microsoft claims no involvement in raid of next-gen Xbox info leaker

A few days ago we made an article which included details about SuperDaE's house being raided. At first, it was thought that Microsoft had initiated the raid on DaE's house. But a Microsoft employee says otherwise.

Microsoft recently claimed no involvement in the recent raid by Australian police and the FBI. A Microsoft spokesperson provided the following statement: "Microsoft did not initiate this FBI investigation with this individual, as has been asserted in some of the articles in the media. We take security very seriously and have no evidence of any compromise of our corporate network. We have no further comment on this matter."

According to a report from sources, DaE was met by a Microsoft intellectual property official in recent months. The visit followed leaks about Microsoft's next-gen console, codenamed Durango, as well as eBay sales listed by DaE of a developer version of the console. A Microsoft official, Miles Hawkes, asked DaE how he was able to gain access to information on the company's servers.
DaE claimed that by gaining access to Microsoft's servers, he was able to create an account to the company's Xbox Developer Program website. He then ordered a developer version of the console using the fake account, he says.

The warrant given to us by SuperDae was confirmed as genuine by a West Australian Police spokesperson but if you read the warrant it lists Microsoft in the Search warrant.

So what do you think? Do you think Microsoft are telling the truth?

If Microsoft claim no involvement does this mean the raid was unlawful?

SuperDaE Raided Durango

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


"Microsoft claims no involvement in raid of next-gen Xbox info leaker" :: Login/Create an Account :: 201 comments

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Diary Wonder how much one of these cost?

it was sold for like 50,000$ on eBay


Diary Wonder how much one of these cost?

I'd say around 10000

Sold for $50,000


Diary Wonder how much one of these cost?

I'd say around 10000


Wonder how much one of these cost?


Wow.. so there really was one of these out there.


Onitehcamper Too all the people that are saying that ms couldn't have set this up... You have a lot to learn

Yeah... It's pretty hard to get your hands on one of these...
You'd have to be very rich and or lucky to even get a hold of it.


Onitehcamper Too all the people that are saying that ms couldn't have set this up... You have a lot to learn

Yeah... It's pretty hard to get your hands on one of these...


Soulful Still seems a little suspicious, Microsoft.

A little bit obvious, you mean :P


Wow, all over xbox.


So much conspiracy lol