Rainbow Six Siege 3v3 western-themed showdown event is live

Rainbow Six Siege’s new 3v3, western-themed showdown mode is now live.

Now through July 16, Rainbow Six Siege players on PC and consoles can participate in a limited time Showdown event.

The western-themed 3v3 mode was first hinted at in May before audio files tied to the event leaked in June.

This Secure Area mode takes place on the map Fort Truth. As the name of the mode suggests, each round is a 3v3 “face-off” to secure the area and the loot. Each round will last 90 seconds with no prep phase, reinforcements and limited HUD.

The available Operators will be split into two factions: The Law (Attackers) and the Graveltop Gang (Defenders).

Each faction can use the BOSG.12.2 shotgun and the Magnum LFP586 revolver.

There’s also a set of western cosmetics available which include cowboy hats, sheriff’s badges, and more. Part of the Showdown Collection pack, there are 31 exclusive items in the collection. Each pack is guaranteed to contain a new item with no dupes. The packs will run you 300 R6 credits each.

Those who log in for the event will also net a free Showdown Collection pack and yet another when completing the Ubisoft Club Challenge for the event.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://www.vg247.com/2019/07/02/rainbow-six-siege-western-showdown-event-live/


"Rainbow Six Siege 3v3 western-themed showdown event is live" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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Its pretty fun to play for an hour after that it gets old pretty fast imo.


I have yet to try this and should.


Gotta hop on soon to try this event


This looks awesome! Anyone wanna try this out with me? Message me! Psn & Xbox (: