Bulletstorm was great, didn't sell, says Epic

Speaking with Kotaku, Epic President Mike Capps lamented Bulletstorm's financial performance, saying that the title "didn't make money for us." However, despite its relatively poor sales, Capps implies that the game was still worth making, and that Epic-owned developer People Can Fly is more to the studio than a content farm for the Gears of War series. "The next thing we do with People Can Fly will be great," he said.

We loved Bulletstorm, so it's good to hear that lackluster figures in the consumer sector haven't blinded Epic to the FPS's stellar critical reception. Now that we think about it, a lot of games we've liked lately have been selling poorly. Maybe Joystiq is cursed? Maybe we shouldn't have stolen that gypsy's ice-cream. Or defiled that mummy's tomb. Or built our headquarters over this ancient burial mound. Whatever, this monkey's paw we got at that frogurt place should take care of it.




"Bulletstorm was great, didn't sell, says Epic" :: Login/Create an Account :: 27 comments

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Funny picture.

Everyone tells me this game sucked, and about a week in the game was already discounted at my local gamestop. I wanted to try it but didn't want to risk it at the time.


I honestly loved the game. The downside was multi-player, it wasn't very fun or exiting. All and all it reached my expectations.


I Liked Bulletstorm But I Didn't Really Meet My Expectations......Sowwy


Bulletstorm is an amazing game. I'm surprised it didn't sell well, I would recommend it to anyone.


I thought Bulletstorm was awesome but it was to short of a campaign which was no fun to replay and also, the online servers are always laggy >.< but I love the game anyways, I'm the only one out of my friends to buy it lol but still worth it :)


Bulletstorm was a pretty good game IMO.


i only bought bulletstorm for the gears beta :)
it was a good game though