Wild May Be A Cross-Gen Release Between PS4 and PS5

Wild, is an open-world survival action-adventure game from the newly formed Wild Sheep Studios and the creator of Beyond Good and Evil, Michel Ancel. It was announced as a PS4 exclusive in summer of 2014, and showed a lot of promise. Then in 2015, we saw more of the game during Paris Games Week, and then never again. Over the years, many started to believe the game was vaporware, silently cancelled by Sony. However, on multiple occasions, the aforementioned Ancel insisted it was still in development. And then earlier this year, a trademarked for the game was renewed, showing that something for it is still being cooked up.

Recently, French newspaper La Tribune caught up with co-founder and director at Wild Sheep Studio, Celine Tellier, who talked about the game, confirming development of it is still ongoing, and also seemingly teasing that it will be a cross-gen release between the PS4 and PS5.

According to Tellier, Sony is still funding the game's development as a second-party title, which means it's still an exclusive. Interestingly though, Tellier notes that the game is exclusive to Sony's "consoles," which seems to suggest a PS5 release unless Tellier is talking about the PS4 Pro. Unfortunately, the translation is a bit unclear.

What Tellier does concretely reveal is that Sony was originally attracted to the game because of its originality. Further, the studio is growing. When development began, the team was very, very small. Now, it's expected to grow to 50 people strong.

Given that we haven't heard anything from Sony about the game in nearly four years suggests we may not be seeing the title for awhile, which seemingly removes a 2019 release from the table. In other words, if Wild isn't releasing until 2020 or beyond, then it makes sense that it would be a cross-gen release.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/04/26/wild-ps4-ps5-release-date/


"Wild May Be A Cross-Gen Release Between PS4 and PS5" :: Login/Create an Account :: 4 comments

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Maze Lmao it's so hilarious to see a PS4 exclusive still in development when their new console comes out next year

It's madness why not concentrate on the new console.


I'd imagine alot of this year's games may port over to next gen. A bit like alot of games that realised just before these current gen


I hope they release this game one day soon but the cross gen would be smart imo.


Lmao it's so hilarious to see a PS4 exclusive still in development when their new console comes out next year