'Fortnite' Criticized for "Protecting Noobs"

Fortnite has always been a game that's very friendly for new players and players who don't play games a lot. Some praise it for this, others criticize it. However, recently, the topic of whether the game is too "noob-friendly" has migrated from players who blindly hate the game from the outside, to the game's core community.

If you played Fortnite in its first couple of seasons, the gap between a below average player and a top player wasn't astronomical, especially compared to some other competitive games. However, with recent seasons, the gap has begun to expand, and as a result some think Epic Games is now toying with the game to close that gap and make it more friendly to the biggest portion of its playerbase, which is casual players. And as you would expect, some players don't like this, and believe Epic Games is ruining the game in its pursuit of leveling the playing field.

For example, TSM Daequan recently took to Twitter to vent his frustrations with developers that pursue protecting its casual players above everything else, noting that if you change the game to try and help them too much, you'll just ruin the game.

As you can see, TSM Daequan doesn't namedrop Fortnite specifically, but it's pretty obvious what game he's talking about -- he's a Fortnite pro after all. And he makes some valid points. I think it's a bit of an oversimplification, but many other prominent members of the game's community seem to agree:

As always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Is TSM Daequan right? Is Epic Games in danger of making Fortnite casual friendly to the point it will ruin the experience everyone originally fell in love with?

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/03/30/fortnite-noobs-criticized-tsm-daequan/


"'Fortnite' Criticized for "Protecting Noobs"" :: Login/Create an Account :: 14 comments

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Once again, fortnite has never been that game I admired. How can they be criticized for this though? Come on


I've never really been a fan of this game.


I barely play fortnite since apex was released But i dont see how they are protecting Noobs, Its not like they can have more health and shield and Their guns Do 100 a Shot from anywhere on the map, I played fortnite casually Until they brought in the Siphon health/shield feature, I ended up in more games with Pro players than i did with "Noobs" The only thing fortnite really needs to do is Add First person modes and do Bullet damage in that mode, Because i know a lot of people are sick of the RNG feature where you shoot someone in the head you hit a 30, And they would Obviously be dead normally


OGTrey079 Fortnite a shit game with no accurate way to shoot a bullet. On top of that you fire one shot and someone builds a fortress. I'm not dealing with that shit on top of not accurately being able to control shots

Building to protect yourself is the point of the game.

What Daequan said isn't wrong by any means at all. It's impossible to split ranked/casual due to what he mentioned - there is literally no fair way around it. Epic are trying too many techniques too quickly to combat it but the health per kill etc was one of their best additions. However, we coped for 7 seasons without it. The game has been out for a long time now and of course people have got better through practice.

It's putting the casual players off playing now as they can't compete with the players on it anymore - absolutely no other excuse.

People saying the game will "die" are the people who are bad at a game and gave up all hope of trying to get better, it's cringey. It happens on every single game. If you're bad at it, play something else. Stop hoping for the downfall of something simply because you no longer like it, it's just so toxic and it's these kids who ruin every single gaming community these days.

I don't care if it protects you building something up to the sky just to kill one person is retarded. And there's only so much "skill" with bloom.. you're typing a whole paragraph about shit I never even said. Never mentioned the game is going to die all I said is bloom is **** retarded and you have todo so much xtra shit just to kill someone who builds a fortress.


I stopped playing at the end of season 4, I used to love this game but then they added loads of pointless and annoying stuff, can't relate to how they 'protect noobs' though


OGTrey079 Fortnite a shit game with no accurate way to shoot a bullet. On top of that you fire one shot and someone builds a fortress. I'm not dealing with that shit on top of not accurately being able to control shots

Building to protect yourself is the point of the game.

What Daequan said isn't wrong by any means at all. It's impossible to split ranked/casual due to what he mentioned - there is literally no fair way around it. Epic are trying too many techniques too quickly to combat it but the health per kill etc was one of their best additions. However, we coped for 7 seasons without it. The game has been out for a long time now and of course people have got better through practice.

It's putting the casual players off playing now as they can't compete with the players on it anymore - absolutely no other excuse.

People saying the game will "die" are the people who are bad at a game and gave up all hope of trying to get better, it's cringey. It happens on every single game. If you're bad at it, play something else. Stop hoping for the downfall of something simply because you no longer like it, it's just so toxic and it's these kids who ruin every single gaming community these days.


They have to or the game will die. Plain and simple.


They have gone thru so many changes .


I'm still shook they reverted the changes without notice, they need to listen to the community on this one.


Fortnite a shit game with no accurate way to shoot a bullet. On top of that you fire one shot and someone builds a fortress. I'm not dealing with that shit on top of not accurately being able to control shots