Modern Warfare 3 Fires Back at the Competition

As the release dates for both Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare come closer, the mud-slinging is becoming dirtier with each passing day. This time it’s the co-developer of Modern Warfare 3 kicking wet dust DICE’s way, with the studio’s co-founder and general manager Glen Schofield saying, “I’d be a little scared at this point – in June – if I was looking forward to a particular game that wasn’t on the console and running at 60.”
That’s what he said while speaking in a recent interview with AusGamers. When asked about Battlefield 3′s brand new Frostbite 2 engine he said, “You can go out and name your engine and call it whatever you want, right. You know, I’ve done that before, I’ve seen that trick and the bottom line is, this game will run at 60 frames a second. Not sure any of our competitors will.”
“Not sure I’ve seen any of our competitors on the console, especially running at 60 frames a second, and I’d be a little scared at this point – in June – if I was looking forward to a particular game that wasn’t on the console and running at 60.
I think 60 is our competitive edge and you just don’t throw that away. You don’t ship an engine, you ship a game.”
Modern Warfare 3 will be released on November 8th worldwide for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Battlefield 3 will release on October 8th for the same platforms.




"Modern Warfare 3 Fires Back at the Competition" :: Login/Create an Account :: 103 comments

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mw3 is not better then bf3 who will win mw3 or bf3


im playing battlefield 3 the story lines are good and grafics are better then mw3


battlefield still wins modern warfar 3 still as that old grafics


-vH2o- Im buying both games. But i can say this without a doubt.
MW3 will be the best selling game of all time. period.
Black ops currently is and they release along side of halo reach, Witch turned out to be a fail, But had a muuuuchhh larger fanbase then bf3. Bottom line bf3 may be great, But it wont even come close to outselling MW3

He's right
The Frames per second and all that **** does not matter
What matters is CoD fan will buy CoD games
IMO the are more user friendly, they have the BEST storyline, and will outsell BF3 because of that.
I, personally, thought the CoD storylines sucked hairy scr*tum. It had nothing to it and was over the top.

MW3 will be the best selling game of all time? Lol no. No game will ever beat the 40.24 MILLION copies that Super Mario Bros. sold.


-vH2o- Im buying both games. But i can say this without a doubt.
MW3 will be the best selling game of all time. period.
Black ops currently is and they release along side of halo reach, Witch turned out to be a fail, But had a muuuuchhh larger fanbase then bf3. Bottom line bf3 may be great, But it wont even come close to outselling MW3

He's right
The Frames per second and all that **** does not matter
What matters is CoD fan will buy CoD games
IMO the are more user friendly, they have the BEST storyline, and will outsell BF3 because of that.
I, personally, thought the CoD storylines sucked hairy scr*tum. It had nothing to it and was over the top.


Lol 30 fps is like all the Xbox can handle with battlefield. It is made with the PC in mind that's why you can easily achieve 60 fps on computer but not Xbox. Battlefield has bigger maps, better engine, better graphics, and bigger explosions that no Call of Duty game ever had that's why it runs at 30 fps (on the Xbox). MW3 doesn't have all this so it runs at 60 fps. Get a good computer Cod fanboys then tell me what looks better and play battlefield at 60 fps.


I smell a lot of cod fan boys


okay,mw3 is going to be great, but i like bfbc3 cuz, u can blow up a wall.


AzUrExx "you dont ship the engine, you ship the game"

DICE got pwned



-vH2o- Im buying both games. But i can say this without a doubt.
MW3 will be the best selling game of all time. period.
Black ops currently is and they release along side of halo reach, Witch turned out to be a fail, But had a muuuuchhh larger fanbase then bf3. Bottom line bf3 may be great, But it wont even come close to outselling MW3

He's right
The Frames per second and all that shit does not matter
What matters is CoD fan will buy CoD games
IMO the are more user friendly, they have the BEST storyline, and will outsell BF3 because of that.