Subaeria Leaves Steam Early Access, Jumps to PS4 and Xbox One

After being pushed back for a May release to add some extra polish, iLLOGIKA has finally let its sci-fi roguelike title, Subaeria, to run free among console players. The game was originally slated for an April 24 release on both Xbox One and PS4, as well as an official release on Steam away from its Early Access program.

Subaeria is about manipulating your foes in an action puzzler environment. What better way of destroying your enemies by making them beat the tar out of one another, giving you the ultimate victory? Your robot opponents can be controlled using your drone and its abilities. Strategize correctly and earn new power-ups to add more variety to your gameplay.

The CEO and founder of iLLOGIKA, David Fugère-Lamarre, spoke on his team’s first self-published game. He said:

The release of Subaeria is a significant milestone for iLLOGIKA as we are able to showcase the breadth of our team’s development expertise in one title. As we are getting more recognized by the industry for our collaborations with leading publishers, it is important for us to demonstrate our ability to develop a game from its infancy stage all the way to its launch on multiple platforms.

Being a roguelike game, Subaeria will procedurally generate after each play-through, giving new levels of difficulty each time you enter its domain. You unlock different skills each time you go through Subaeria, as well as new buffs and endings.

Subaeria is available now on PC via Steam, PS4, and the Xbox One for $14.99.

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"Subaeria Leaves Steam Early Access, Jumps to PS4 and Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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Wouldn't mind trying this game out on my PC, in need of some new games anyway.


Haven't heard of this game but just the screenshot alone makes it look pretty cool! Gonna check out some gameplay on YouTube tonight