Assassin’s Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs DLC Delayed

Ubisoft’s second major expansion for Assassin’s Creed Origins, the Curse of the Pharaohs, has been slightly delayed. Instead of releasing on March 6th, the DLC will now arrive on March 13th. In a statement to GameSpot, Ubisoft said this was done to “deliver the best experience possible to our players.”

We also get our first look at the expansion’s gameplay which sees Bayek heading to Thebes to find an artifact. Suddenly, undead pharaohs emerge, killing innocents and it’s up to Bayek to stop them. Other new areas include Aaru which consists of expansive reed fields and where you’ll battle giant scorpions. There’s even a boss battle against an undead Nerfertiti.

The Curse of the Pharaohs will be separate from The Hidden Ones storyline, offering a new level cap to 55, new weapons and gear, and new missions to complete. There will be a free quest on February 27th called Lights Among the Dunes to prepare players for the second DLC.

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"Assassin’s Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs DLC Delayed" :: Login/Create an Account :: 11 comments

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Mike i feel like im seeing Dlc always getting delayed for this game!

With such a rocky start, I'm truly not surprised at all.


KyloCrux Glad they are taking the time to fix their mistakes.

They need to fix the whole stability of the game, on PC at least. But the game is good and I cannot wait until it is fully ready. That's when I'll play through it fully.


KyloCrux Glad they are taking the time to fix their mistakes.

Its great, and also not a very long delay for the game anyways. Cant wait for it.


Glad they are taking the time to fix their mistakes.


Specialize Not to long to wait for it to release. Well good things come to those who wait.

I agree, going to be well worth the wait for sure, I just know this DLC is gonna blow everyone away.


i feel like im seeing Dlc always getting delayed for this game!


Not to long to wait for it to release. Well good things come to those who wait.


This sort of sucks.

Assassin Creed's is one of my all-time favourite series and I'm excited to try this out.


Can't wait for this, story looks awesome and can't wait to fight some of these crazy bosses. Love the area its placed in and can't wait to adventure it.


I mean 6 days aint bad lol, could have be like the Red Dead delays rolf. Anyways im hyped for this DLC, as I love my Assassins Creed games. This will be a great DLC for sure.