Battlefield 1 Anti-Cheat Banning Legitimate Players for Being too Good

Serious flaws have been exposed in Battlefield 1’s automated anti-cheat system, after it emerged that a number of legitimate players have been banned from playing the DICE-developed shooter online – apparently for being too skilled.

The issue was brought to light today by kL-Spazmo, a Battlefield 1 player who has put in over 2800 hours into EA’s flagship first-person series since the FairFight anti-cheat system was introduced.

The FairFight system, developed by GameBlocks, “evaluate[s] players’ real-time gameplay actions” in order to determine whether or not a player is cheating. According to its official website, FairFight “combines algorithmic models that assess an array of statistical markers to identify possible cheating, and cross-checks these measurements using objective gameplay reporting to Make it a FairFight for everyone.”

It seems, however, that the ceiling for the deviance from ‘normal’ statistics that is used to determine legitimate play in Battlefield 1 has been set too low, with a number of skilled players being hit with suspensions and outright bans recently.

Back on January 4, Spazmo was permanently banned following the lifting of a previous suspension, due to being considered a cheater by FairFight:

It has also emerged that the player currently ranked number two in Battlefield 1’s global leaderboards, Minidoracat, was also hit with a temporary ban by FairFight last month – despite streaming and recording all of his gameplay sessions. Similarly, BF player SpartanHoplite was hit with a suspension for racking up over 200 kills in a game (see video below), while grubsi123 also received a one-week ban after going 77-1.

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"Battlefield 1 Anti-Cheat Banning Legitimate Players for Being too Good" :: Login/Create an Account :: 24 comments

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anti cheat systems are a joke .


wow good game ruined by a terrible anti cheat by the sound of it


These days, it's kinda hard to tell apart a hacker and a legit good player. There are some obvious hacks yes like in CS where it auto locks to peoples heads and shooting through walls. But there are games out there where all someone can see is a person on the map or through a wall and they play smart with the hacks.


That's kind of messed up their banning legit players, some nice gameplay in that video tho


This is exactly like CS:GO overwatch. I was playing CS:GO competative at MG Level and I got banned for apparent "hacking", due to me going 20-1 with a 70% headshot rate. I've played CS since 1.6 so I would be good after such a long period of time. Same thing goes for BF. If a person has played BF for a number of years and grinded it out then they would be good enough to hit 200-0 even if they were against a bad enough team. I've went 80-2 in BF1 already also, does that mean I will get banned?


A bit like csgo's overwatch


I remember back in BF3 when I was in high school my best friends older brother got banned from hitting so many long distance shots on Firestorm... dude leveled so fast and got banned it was so funny. I played with him a lot but wasnt as good as him at it so I probably just barely missed the ban lol


This is crazy lol, never heard of getting banned for being to good.


Oh my god. This is hilarious. Banned on a game because you're good. Jesus christ. I had this on Mw3. Kids reporting me all the time for dropping 4 MOABs in games and I got banned for cheating.

People have been gaming for over 12 years and bad kids still think people can't be good enough to go 100 - 1 on any game. Especially BF. 1 good game in a tank vs a bad team. Ggez 200 - 0 games.


Ohh well can't really blame the players for being to good lol