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Kinect Fun Labs: Air Band Achievement Guide

Tutorial Name: Kinect Fun Labs: Air Band Achievement Guide  

Category: Game Walkthroughs & Guides

Submitted By: Daniel

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Views: 1,368

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Hyper Active
Choose the guitar and while you are playing it, jump up and down 10 times.

Guitar Star
Play right handed for a few seconds then put your hands by your sides until the guitar goes away. Then play left handed.

One Man Band
You will have to play the guitar, keyboard, and drums all during one playthrough. You should get this while going for 'Making It Big Time'.

Get The Set List
You have to play every song without turning off your xbox. Play any of the 5 songs in any order. After playing the song for a few seconds you can pause the game and switch to a new song. The 5 songs are Rock, Disco, Country, Pop and Latin.

Video Virtuoso
When you see a phone in the bottom right of the screen it will be recording you. After it is done, pause the game and click on share.The video will be in the middle with 4 photos surrounding it.

Promo Shot
A little ways through your performance, pause the game and click on share. Their will be 4 photos that you can share. They will be surrounding a video in the middle.

Making It Big Time
When you see a phone in the bottom right of the screen. Start playing the guitar for a few seconds and then put your hands by your side. Then play the keyboard for a few seconds and put your hands by your side. The play the drums for a few seconds. After the video is recorded, pause the game and click on share.

Orchestral Manoeuvres
You will need a second person and then you will need to perform these combination of instruments in one song.



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