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LEGO Marvel's Avengers - Going Knowhere

Tutorial Name: LEGO Marvel's Avengers - Going Knowhere  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Tom

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Comments: 1

Views: 570

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


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There are a total of 18 Red Bricks that you must unlock to unlock this trophy. 3 of the red bricks are available to purchase immediately, the other 15 you must first find in each of the 15 levels. Once you have all of them unlocked you must purchase all of them from the Collectors room aboard the Shield Hellicarrier. For the locations of all the red bricks please refer to the collectible guide found here: LINK

Attract Studs 100,000 studs
Disguises 200,000 studs
Target 2nd Player 1,000,000 studs
X2 Red Brick 1,000,000 studs
X4 Red Brick 2,000,000 studs
X6 Red Brick 4,000,000 studs
X8 Red Brick 6,000,000 studs
X10 Red Brick 8,000,000 studs
Fast Fix 600,000 studs
Character Token Detector 500,000 studs
Gold Brick Detector 1,000,000 studs
Minikit Detector 500,000 studs
Stan Lee in Peril Detector 250,000 studs
Quest Detector 300,000 studs
Fast Build 1,000,000 studs
Fast Dig 500,000 studs
Collect Ghost Studs 250,000 studs
Unlimited Avengers Team-Up Moves 500,000 studs

Once you have all 18 unlocked and purchased, head to the pause menu and go to extras. Once you have activated the 18th one, then the trophy will unlock.


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Nice. This is extremely simple to do.