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How to play Warcraft 3's Vampirism Fire Tutorial guide

Tutorial Name: How to play Warcraft 3's Vampirism Fire Tutorial guide  

Category: Game Walkthroughs & Guides

Submitted By: soybeanpan123

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Good Day everyone! I'd like to teach you the basics on Vampirism Fire- Warcraft 3.

Map: version Vampirism Fire 5.11
Made by: soybeanpan123

Before you watch my YouTube video, please read this through so you know the basics of the game. Thank you!

First, the shortcuts!

H- Houses
W- Workers
T- Tents
K- Blink

The main goal of this game is to have as much wood as possible!

So make sure you get as much as possible in a short amount of time.

Main Buildings:

1. Research Center

One of the most important buildings in the game. This is where you research on lumber. During the early part of the game, you must always upgrade your lumber.

- Improve Lumber Harvesting

Again, this is the most important research in the game. So always upgrade/ improve this research as much as possible. Do not forget this. (Shortcut: Press L)
- Improve Gem Quality

This will be more important in the latter part of the game. So after you research your Lumber Harvesting, this will be the next improvement you should research on. (Shortcut: Press Q)
- Sharpen Hatchets

This is to improve the harvesting ability of your workers. One of the most important researches as well.
- Improve Mana

This is only important if the Vampire has an ability called the: Pulse Staff or Silence. If not, do not even bother getting this.

- Improve Worker Motivation

This is an important research ability as the workers must have high HP so that the Vampires will not be fed during the game.

NOTE* Research this as fast as possible as well.

2. Slayer's Tavern

This building is important as this will produce a slayer (Shortcut: Press L) When you have a slayer, you'll be able to get gold fast and this is important in-game as you will see in the video.

Hope you will love this game like I do!

Don't forget to comment and subscribe in my video! Thanks!


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