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Bodycount - Warmonger

Tutorial Name: Bodycount - Warmonger  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

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Bodycount Warmonger Trophy

Trophy Type: Gold
Complete Single player campaign on hard

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Hard mode is the 2nd hardest difficulty in the game (behind Impossible) and is not very difficult at all. You take less damage than lower difficulty settings but can still take a good amount of damage before you die. Additionally, the enemies are not stronger or smarter than they are on lesser difficulties.

Like all games there will be a few instances you will need to retry before you conquer them. But these sections are few and far between. For the most part you can activate you OSB adrenaline power and run right past these sections.

There are only two boss battles in the game and they are both simple and straight forward. The most problematic sections in the game are the defending sequences. These sequences normally include you staying in a particular area until a computer is finished being hacked or a bomb is finished being disabled etc. all while youre being bombarded with enemies. For these sections, find a good place for cover, press R3 to kneel, make good use of your OSB powers, and pray your aim is true.


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