
Fight Night Round 4 took care to point out that the game had sold over a million units in its first month according to NPD data and the game sold 471.1K on Xbox 360 and PS3 in June and 116K on Xbox 360 in July and, considering the PS3 version wasn't even on the July list, you can see it just doesn't add up. Even if we assume FNR4 on PS3 sold 96K -- lower than the last title on July's list more
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According to a Bloomberg report, the FCC will soon begin looking into the development of a universal rating system that would span television, games and mobile phone content. Unsurprisingly, the move comes in response to a Congressional call to see whether inappropriate content is harming children and if the current laws are adequate to protect them. The Entertainment Software more
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(Trials HD Tournament signed hoodies by RedLynx) The contest ends tomorrow so get your tracks ready make sure if your taking part your gamertag is listed as a reply on the above forum topic we will add you as a friend one by one ttg sean and casca will pick the 10 best tracks these tracks will be made into youtube videos and emailed to red lynx where they will pick the top 3 winners more
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I know what you're contemplating. You read the headline and you're expecting a report on some type of drama, maybe a member from one of the development teams was running their mouth? Maybe a high level exec at Ubisoft or Activision pulled a Kaz Hirai and lost their damn mind? Well I'm sorry to disappoint you because none of that is what this is about. Now that we have that out of more
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Have you ever watched a trailer for a multiplatform game, where you find yourself struggling to find the Playstation 3 logo at the end? That’s totally the reason Sony are rebranding the Playstation with the PS3 Slim. Gone is the Spider-Man font and full title “PLAYSTATION 3″. Heck, it’s all about just the “PS3″ these days. Kaz Hirai explained the more
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We're not sure what's more impressive: That a cricket game was actually outselling Wii Sports Resort for two weeks in the UK, or that Nintendo's latest minigame melange only outsold Wolfenstein by 2,000 copies for the week of August 16 to 22. That's what the latest numbers and report from Chart Track show, placing the id Software / Raven shooter at the top of the PS3, 360 and PC charts more
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This week, we're officially jumping straight from the Summer of Arcade into the winter of our discontent with ho-hum XBLA releases. Don't get us wrong -- we have nothing against basketball, but NBA 2K10 Draft Combine (400 / $5), which lets those who purchase it build and train a player for use in October's NBA 2K10, ain't exactly Shadow Complex. Its title does makes it sound like the NBA more
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Oh, man. This ish just got real, son. Last week, a supposedly leaked Meijer's catalog revealed a $100 price cut for the Xbox 360 Elite SKU -- we weren't sure what to make of it, but a recent Walmart catalog (due to hit stores on August 30) revealing the same exact discount adds a hefty amount of credence to rumors that Microsoft is dropping the price on the console's 120GB SKU. A more
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Ever since it was announced that Rare's spiritual successor to GoldenEye 007 for N64, Perfect Dark, was coming to Xbox Live Arcade, we've been wondering if it would simply see a bump in resolution (which it is). Now we also know that it's going to feature brand-new, high-detail textures and something the original release definitely didn't have: a fast, stable framerate. Click on the more
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Tony Bartel, GameStop's executive vice president of merchandising and marketing, has some high expectations for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In fact, he told shareholders and media listening in on the company's recent Q2 earnings call that the latest Infinity Ward FPS "could be the best selling title of all time," IndustryGamers reports. Of all time. That would be quite an more
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