Steam Getting Rid Of Flash And Daily Sales

The dates for the upcoming Steam holiday sales have been leaked and it looks like there will no flash or daily sales to be had this year.

According to Shacknews, the leak came from the Steamworks developer group in a message about holiday sales dates.

The Autumn sale will apparently run from 10am PT on November 25th to 10am PT on December 1st. The Winter sale will begin on December 22nd at 10am PT and wrap up at 10am PT on January 4th.

Addressing the changes to the sales’ format this year, the statement explained, “In past sale events, we’ve asked for two discounts—a duration discount that runs for the length of the sale, and a feature discount that runs in the event that a game is featured on the front page. This year, to optimize the sale for customers and to allow us to feature and recommend your products in more ways to more customers, we’re asking for just one discount, to run the length of the sale.”

Will you miss the flash and daily sales, or are you relieved that you won’t have to keep checking into Steam to make sure you don’t miss any bargains? Let us know in the comments.

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum



"Steam Getting Rid Of Flash And Daily Sales" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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That's a shame, lots of people tend to grab games in those sales.


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING

Heck yeah man PC is pretty awesome. I still prefer console over PC thought.

Have you ever had a good pc? do you even know what you are talking about? IF you have ever had a good gaming pc, you would never be saying that, then again you probably are just one of those console idiots who goes around saying "lol i have a $5000 gaming pc and i prefer consolesss!!1111111!1!!1"

My PC definitely isn't top of the line, but it plays all 120+ games I have on Steam just fine. I've had Steam and been playing on PC for about 3 years now, it's not new to me and I don't play on a potato. I personally prefer console over PC, not because I can't game correctly on a PC -- but because I get more enjoyment out of my Xbox One than I do on my PC. I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me names and respect my opinion as I have yours. If you want to talk about this further, send me a PM.

No need, i've already established you don't have a PC, ive seen some of your other comments, and man, you've proven you know nothing, i'm not going to go any further into a conversation with someone who has no idea what they are talking about, highly doubt you actually have a PC, and if you do those 120 steam games must all be 2d bud, either way you have absolutely zero proof, then again i don't want to show any of your atrocious comments showing how little you know here, just pathetic truly, well good day, and have fun going around the internet pretending.

Why would you care so much.
If he wants to play on console, let him.
No need to ask him for proof etc.
Do 1


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING

Heck yeah man PC is pretty awesome. I still prefer console over PC thought.

Have you ever had a good pc? do you even know what you are talking about? IF you have ever had a good gaming pc, you would never be saying that, then again you probably are just one of those console idiots who goes around saying "lol i have a $5000 gaming pc and i prefer consolesss!!1111111!1!!1"

My PC definitely isn't top of the line, but it plays all 120+ games I have on Steam just fine. I've had Steam and been playing on PC for about 3 years now, it's not new to me and I don't play on a potato. I personally prefer console over PC, not because I can't game correctly on a PC -- but because I get more enjoyment out of my Xbox One than I do on my PC. I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me names and respect my opinion as I have yours. If you want to talk about this further, send me a PM.

No need, i've already established you don't have a PC, ive seen some of your other comments, and man, you've proven you know nothing, i'm not going to go any further into a conversation with someone who has no idea what they are talking about, highly doubt you actually have a PC, and if you do those 120 steam games must all be 2d bud, either way you have absolutely zero proof, then again i don't want to show any of your atrocious comments showing how little you know here, just pathetic truly, well good day, and have fun going around the internet pretending.


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING

Heck yeah man PC is pretty awesome. I still prefer console over PC thought.

Have you ever had a good pc? do you even know what you are talking about? IF you have ever had a good gaming pc, you would never be saying that, then again you probably are just one of those console idiots who goes around saying "lol i have a $5000 gaming pc and i prefer consolesss!!1111111!1!!1"

My PC definitely isn't top of the line, but it plays all 120+ games I have on Steam just fine. I've had Steam and been playing on PC for about 3 years now, it's not new to me and I don't play on a potato. I personally prefer console over PC, not because I can't game correctly on a PC -- but because I get more enjoyment out of my Xbox One than I do on my PC. I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me names and respect my opinion as I have yours. If you want to talk about this further, send me a PM.


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING

Heck yeah man PC is pretty awesome. I still prefer console over PC thought.

Have you ever had a good pc? do you even know what you are talking about? IF you have ever had a good gaming pc, you would never be saying that, then again you probably are just one of those console idiots who goes around saying "lol i have a $5000 gaming pc and i prefer consolesss!!1111111!1!!1"


UZl Well that sucks. I know many were waiting for those particular sales

Yeah, I've been waiting for a few games to be on that sale, that's quite a bummer.


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING

Heck yeah man PC is pretty awesome. I still prefer console over PC thought.


Well that sucks. I know many were waiting for those particular sales


Saki Once again proving how console is better than PC. Steam can't even keep up with the game sales that every PCMR bandwagoner boasts about.

Yea you`re a joke. I have never payed $60 for a full game and I got BO3 release day for $45 Fallout 4 for $50 and Battlefiled for $50

Me either friend, I always wait for the games I want to go on sale -- or at least try to get them for cheaper. It's unfortunate you think of me as a joke, I'm not sure why you felt that was necessary to add in your reply. If you disagree with what I said, by all means -- tell me why you feel that way. No need to attack me because of it.

With PC i can get all my games for free. I like consoles for certain games, but lets say Fallout 4 or battle field... ALL DAY PC! #PCGAMING


I'm not bothered about this because I'm not a pc gamer but I guess this sucks for some people