July Xbox Games with Gold: Assassin’s Creed 4, Gears of War 3, PvZ

Microsoft is celebrating the two year anniversary of its Games with Gold program by offering two free games on Xbox One every month.

Starting in July, Xbox Live Gold members will be able to download the following games for free.

Xbox One
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: free the entire month
So Many Me: July 16 – August 15

Xbox 360
Plants vs. Zombies: free July 1-15
Gears of War 3: free July 16-31

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/25/july-games-with-gold-xbox-one-xbox-360/


"July Xbox Games with Gold: Assassin’s Creed 4, Gears of War 3, PvZ" :: Login/Create an Account :: 66 comments

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Nice lucky that I never bought Assassins Creed 4


Looking forward to this games coming on sale.


is this part of the steam summer sales


I actually wanted PvZ ages ago after having it on PC. Now is my chance.


Adamu Both of them are good games but it sucks that for the xbox one there isn't that much games out atm so not that many choices for them to give but I already have black flag so it sucks a little.

Yeah seems like they never get any good games.


I still wanna try unity I haven't played black flag either. Syndicates gonna be live!


Both of them are good games but it sucks that for the xbox one there isn't that much games out atm so not that many choices for them to give but I already have black flag so it sucks a little.


TLA That is nice lucky i did not buy Gears of War. Cant wait to play the game.

It's a great game, love it & the franchise.


That is nice lucky i did not buy Gears of War. Cant wait to play the game.


gonna see how plants vs zombies is