PS4 update 2.0 to introduce Share Play this Autumn

Sony has confirmed that the long-awaited Share Play feature will be introduced to PS4 as part of the upcoming firmware update 2.0 due for release by Autumn.

Share Play allows players to pass control of their game to another PS4 owner remotely via the internet.

The anticipated feature was first announced during the PS4 unveiling in February 2013, but missed the PS4 launch and was yet to surface on the console.

"Let's go from sitting back and watching friends play to actually jumping into games remotely and sharing great experiences together in real time," said Sony in an official announcement.

Here's its description of the feature:

"The best way to think about Share Play is like a "virtual couch". PlayStation 4 will create an online local co-op experience by allowing you to invite a friend to join your game-even when they don't own a copy of it. With this first-of-its-kind feature, you'll be able to play games with a friend just as if you were together in the same room. Let's say that with games... you'll be able to invite your friend online to play against the Miami Heat for the championship as the San Antonio Spurs in NBA2K, tackle the challenging Towerfall Ascension Quest Mode together, or aide, heal, and protect you as Igniculus in Child of Light's local co-op mode.

"With Share Play, you can even jump into a game to assist a friend. For example, if there is part of a game that you can't quite finish, you can invite a friend to take over your controls. Like handing over the controller to a friend on your couch, your screen will be shared as your friend gets through the part of the game that has been giving you trouble-can't get past that part in The Last of Us: Remastered when you're hanging upside down? Get a little help."

The PS4 firmware 2.0 update will also add video upload support for YouTube, along with "dedicated app support". The PS4's activity board, 'What's New', will also be revised.

"What's New will get enhanced real-time activity through friend-of-friend suggestions, allowing instant access to friends' and recently played games' broadcasts, and a real name search function will also be added," said Sony.

"More features to come when v2.00 is made available this fall, and we will have more to announce in the coming months."

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"PS4 update 2.0 to introduce Share Play this Autumn" :: Login/Create an Account :: 20 comments

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I really do like the idea of a friend taking over the console for you to assist you in a game. I think that will come in handy for a lot of people who play single player.


That's really cool but couldn't this be abused somehow?


I could see this being used to share DLC somehow


Isn't this kind of like DS Download Play?


Wonder what the PS4 was like on launch since it's had all these updates.


I really like the steaming feature sounds like a good idea.


This Sounds alright. Hopefully its gonna be a good feature. Also sounds like steam sharing.


Potion This is cool, its just like steam family sharing. This would also be on Xbox One if people didnt cry about DRM.

I just hope that they don't limit games like they do on Steam. Some games can't be shared :/


I think the most used thing with this is gig to be the auto youtube uploader. This is quite the software though, ill for sue be looking into it once its released.


This is cool, its just like steam family sharing. This would also be on Xbox One if people didnt cry about DRM.