Titanfall DLC and updates to hit Xbox 360 version after PC, Xbox One

Titanfall on Xbox 360 will receive the same content and title updates as the PC and Xbox One versions, but after a short delay.

“Just like the Xbox One and PC versions, we are fully committed to supporting the Xbox 360 version and to ensure that regardless of what platform you play Titanfall on, the experience is as good as can be,” EA wrote said in an update on the shooter’s website.

“We’re pleased to confirm that Bluepoint continues their partnership with us to support the Xbox 360 version. We have them following Respawn’s lead bringing updates and improvements to the Xbox 360.”

Said support includes paid DLC and free improvements like enhancements to private matches – but Xbox 360 users will have to wait patiently for changes to the main version to trickle ddown to the port.

“Updates for the Xbox 360 will naturally follow behind similar updates for the PC and Xbox One. This timing difference is due to the same reasons that more time was needed to finish Titanfall for the Xbox 360,” EA said.

“Respawn must first finish their additions and improvements for the Xbox One and PC, and afterwards Bluepoint can then grab the latest and update the Xbox 360 version. We’re working with Respawn and Bluepoint to streamline the process and close the gap, allowing Xbox 360 updates to be published as closely as possible to Respawn’s updates.”

Bluepoint is currently working on the changes introduced in Content Update 2 for Xbox One; this set of updates has been broken into two patches, including the recent Gooser challenge and a second set of changes coming soon. The Exoedition DLC is also in the works, and will hit Xbox 360 in June. It’s coming to PC and Xbox One this month and includes three new maps.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2014/05/11/titanfall-dlc-and-updates-to-hit-xbox-360-version-after-pc-xbox-one/


"Titanfall DLC and updates to hit Xbox 360 version after PC, Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 19 comments

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Miss I like that they're supporting the 360 still. Shows they actually care about their customers.

No. It shows how good they are at making money. But I do enjoy that they are keeping the 360 alive.

That's because they're smart, lol. It would be a dumb move if they already gave up on the 360 version.


Miss I like that they're supporting the 360 still. Shows they actually care about their customers.

Yeah, even though I have Titanfall for the Xbox One, it's still nice to see that they're doing this. There's a delay for the 360 to get the DLC/updates but it's a short delay so it's still not bad.


Miss I like that they're supporting the 360 still. Shows they actually care about their customers.

They are still supporting xbox 360 simply because there are so many of them still being used. Thus they still have huge profit opportunities.


This is some good news for Xbox 360 users, that play Titanfall.


I totally forgot that Titanfall was on the xbox 360. But nice to see an update!


Miss I like that they're supporting the 360 still. Shows they actually care about their customers.

No. It shows how good they are at making money. But I do enjoy that they are keeping the 360 alive.


I like that they're supporting the 360 still. Shows they actually care about their customers.


as usually xbox 360 comes first with update


Cant wait for the dlc to come out so i can play this game again.