Microsoft Working on Another “Major Gaming Franchise”

Looks like the gears are grinding at Microsoft, and the house of Xbox might be working on just another “major gaming franchise” we don’t yet know about, as mentioned in a new career opportunity ad seeking an Art Director.
Microsoft Studios is looking for a Senior Art Director for a major gaming franchise. A Senior Art Director is a highly experienced industry visionary, capable not only of driving visual quality across the franchise, but also innovating the standards and processes of MS Studios through broad-reaching initiatives.

Managing a team of artists and art directors to define and maintain the Studios quality bar, this senior leader possesses expert communication and negotiation skills, working with both the internal development team and external partners; furthermore, they are able to adapt management and communication styles to accommodate multiple challenging situations and personalities.

Synthesizing both theory and praxis, they find innovative new ways to push the aesthetic direction of interactive entertainment. A champion of quality, first and foremost, their deep experience in art production for modern games also facilitates collaboration with Design, Development, Production, Marketing, and Outsourcing to deliver world-class visuals on schedule and within budget.

In this case the most interesting part isn’t really what’s written in the ad, but what is not there. Whenever Microsoft hires for a major franchise that has already been announced, that franchise is explicitly named, whether it’s Forza, Halo, Gears, Fable or something similar, or at the very least the studio involved is indicated.

The lack of such an indication in this ad probably means that the “major gaming franchise” hasn’t been announced yet, and Microsoft wants to keep its nature under wraps for now.
Interestingly enough, the ad also mentions “in-depth mastery of 2D and 3D art” between the requirements, possibly meaning that the franchise involves a mix of both styles.
E3 is getting closer and closer, and we’re very possibly going to know where this and other crumb trails lead by then.

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"Microsoft Working on Another “Major Gaming Franchise”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 46 comments

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Well this is good to see that Microsoft is making more games for the Xbox.


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up

Halo will always be one of my favourites hopefully they wont disappoint on Xbox one :

I think that halo will be good on the xbox one.... but not as good as the old halos.


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up

both of them went downhill in my opinion

Master Chief will never go "downhill." And Gears of War just needs Epic to make it again, then it will thrive. Both have the best stories and rich characters.

343i did kinda ruin the exclusivity of being a spartan though when they created spartan IVs. Spartan I's are all KIA, John (chief) is the last known Spartan II remaining and there's only a handful of the Spartan IIIs left. Spartan IVs can literally be anyone who trains hard enough to be one, they aren't breed like the last spartans. Thus making Chief not the only hero anymore. (Honestly, the story should've ended on 3)
GoW is great and fun but I found Judgement to just be lacking.
Hopefully whatever the new ips will be will be more decent than the ones currently being dragged through the dirt for money.


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up

both of them went downhill in my opinion

Master Chief will never go "downhill." And Gears of War just needs Epic to make it again, then it will thrive. Both have the best stories and rich characters.


I can see them making a franchise, i'm not sure if it will be an interesting one but i guess we just have to wait.


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up

both of them went downhill in my opinion


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up

Halo will always be one of my favourites hopefully they wont disappoint on Xbox one :


-Mashiro Microsoft lost my trust when the released Windows 8 and then ruined the 360 dashboard with that terrible "metro UI" dashboard. And of course they had to carry it on to the One. Once Microsoft realizes it's not about what they want and it's about what we as consumers want and are willing to purchase, they'll be a lot better off.

Windows 8 is actually amazing once you get used to it, so fluent.

Yeah, I used to hate on Windows 8 But then after a week or two I loved it

Same here lol. I was a passionate windows 7 user and wanted my new laptop to have it, but it had 8 instead. Hated it for about a week, then it grew to me as the accessibility to everything is great.


-Mashiro Microsoft lost my trust when the released Windows 8 and then ruined the 360 dashboard with that terrible "metro UI" dashboard. And of course they had to carry it on to the One. Once Microsoft realizes it's not about what they want and it's about what we as consumers want and are willing to purchase, they'll be a lot better off.

Windows 8 is actually amazing once you get used to it, so fluent.

Yeah, I used to hate on Windows 8 But then after a week or two I loved it

I have had windows 8 for almost a year now and I still hate it. I had to install windows 7 on it because I hated it so much. But hey, everyone has their own opinions right?


Striker I just want them to keep Halo and Gears of War alive.

these are my most 2 favorite Games of all time they better not mess it up