DirectX 12 to be used on Xbox One

The next generation version of Microsoft's DirectX API was unveiled to an audience at GDC on Thursday in San Francisco. A development manager at Microsoft, Anuj Gosalia, asserted that DirectX will be utilized across all Microsoft platforms. The Xbox One according to Microsoft will perform at least 50% more efficiently regarding CPU usage once DirectX 12 is implemented.


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"DirectX 12 to be used on Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 63 comments

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daRealRush Well this is good to see that DirectX 12 will make the Xbox One get more 1080p games. Even though I can't see the difference 720p and 1080p.

yeah i don't know why people make a big deal over it you barely see a the difference.


Invictus I really don't understand what this really means.

It's the software which renders everything in-game. A bit like a game engine.
Basically, as the renderer get's improvements, it allows the console to carry out the same work but with less of a strain. therefore allowing more content(Graphics) to be ran in the same instance.


Nujabes It's great to log onto TTG in the middle of the day and witness a fanboy war. Haha, I own a PS4 but congrats to Xbox One for I guess improving?

Yup, it's not just an Xbox One improvement, but a PC improvement as well. That's what I'm really excited for!


Thlack Finally, less 720p games.... This is awesome. I wonder how much more powerful the PS4 still is? That isn't a "smart" or rude remark either, it's an actual question.

The Xbox was always Faster the PS4 just had better quality now that it has no advantage its not better Microsoft outsmarted Sony.

That's not true at all, after the Xbox stole some of Kinects resources the game was about 40%.
DirectX12 can supposedly increase graphics power by 20%, but in real life examples probably 10-15%.

The PS4 will still be stronger by 25-30%.

You pulled all of those numbers out of your ****. Go get some FACTS or get out.

yeah ROI took the facts from unknown source however PS4 will in fact be still superior because it uses OpenGL and on GDC intel, amd and nvidia found a way to minimise overheads of OpenGL to almost nothing which results in 10-15 TIMES better performance for PC, Linux and now PS4 as well (Higher framerate, Higher resolution etc)

or instead of lookin at all this technical sht. you just put them right by each other and compare. i personally thought the xbox looked better in terms of graphics. but others will disagree. and that is their choice. who honestly cares. they are literally just about the same. all that matters is the content of the game. not the graphic

Pulled out random facts? Look up the difference, when the console launched the difference was about 50%. Then Microsoft opened up Kinects resources, gaining an extra 8%, making the difference around 40%.

If you actually researched DirectX12, you would see that the numbers i posted are entirely accurate. You are quick to deny facts that are not what you want to here. But they are true, look it up you will see.

Those are not exact numbers that any credible resource posted. I have a PS4 and Xbox ONE, so I don't give a **** which is better. I just hate when people aren't exact.

It's great to log onto TTG in the middle of the day and witness a fanboy war. Haha, I own a PS4 but congrats to Xbox One for I guess improving?


Well this is good to see that DirectX 12 will make the Xbox One get more 1080p games. Even though I can't see the difference 720p and 1080p.


Thlack Finally, less 720p games.... This is awesome. I wonder how much more powerful the PS4 still is? That isn't a "smart" or rude remark either, it's an actual question.

The Xbox was always Faster the PS4 just had better quality now that it has no advantage its not better Microsoft outsmarted Sony.

That's not true at all, after the Xbox stole some of Kinects resources the game was about 40%.
DirectX12 can supposedly increase graphics power by 20%, but in real life examples probably 10-15%.

The PS4 will still be stronger by 25-30%.

You pulled all of those numbers out of your ****. Go get some FACTS or get out.

yeah ROI took the facts from unknown source however PS4 will in fact be still superior because it uses OpenGL and on GDC intel, amd and nvidia found a way to minimise overheads of OpenGL to almost nothing which results in 10-15 TIMES better performance for PC, Linux and now PS4 as well (Higher framerate, Higher resolution etc)

or instead of lookin at all this technical sht. you just put them right by each other and compare. i personally thought the xbox looked better in terms of graphics. but others will disagree. and that is their choice. who honestly cares. they are literally just about the same. all that matters is the content of the game. not the graphic

Pulled out random facts? Look up the difference, when the console launched the difference was about 50%. Then Microsoft opened up Kinects resources, gaining an extra 8%, making the difference around 40%.

If you actually researched DirectX12, you would see that the numbers i posted are entirely accurate. You are quick to deny facts that are not what you want to here. But they are true, look it up you will see.

Those are not exact numbers that any credible resource posted. I have a PS4 and Xbox ONE, so I don't give a shit which is better. I just hate when people aren't exact.


Invictus I really don't understand what this really means.

1080p games plus faster loading times.


I really don't understand what this really means.


Witsel What does this mean exactly?

Someone answer please

games will play 50% more to thier abilityy


Microsoft trying to start a PR campaign saying they can give their lacking hardware a 50% boost with Software is just a lie to get people who just look at the headline "Xbox faster by 50% after update" and believe it without any actual proof or research.

Just wait for it to release, Xbox will still fall short of many promises in the Graphics department.