Titanfall for Xbox 360 delayed

Titanfall for Xbox 360 is receiving a two-week delay. Originally scheduled for titanfall on March 25, the game will now be ready for pilots on April 8 and April 11 in North America and Europe, respectively.

"We see a few things that can be made even better, so we're giving Bluepoint a little more time to do just that and deliver an epic Titanfall experience for Xbox 360 players," said EA's Patrick Soderlund in an official post. "The game will feature the same 6v6 gameplay, maps, modes, weapons and Burn Cards as the Xbox One and PC versions of the game."

We should note that we've yet to see or touch the Xbox 360 version. The Xbox One version is pretty fantastic.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2014/03/19/titanfall-for-xbox-360-delayed/


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JRJ This is not news I was wanting to hear. I was going to get the game for my birthday, I guess not now. I really want to play this game. It looks like a blast. I'm still looking forward to it though.

Just get the game as a belated birthday present.


Ain't this the second time they've delayed Titanfall for the 360. Either way, aslong as they don't mess it up, and make the game as good as can be. I'll be happy with it. But I am getting the Xbox One version. So I ain't getting the 360 version.


wRw_Get_Bodied Lmao sucks for Xbox 360. I've been playing it since its release. Another reason I'm glad I traded in my 360 towards the One.

Waiting an extra month is not an issue. I have school and i rarely play my xbox so i have no problem waiting for this game especially if their making the "dumbed down" version better.

Xbox One would be a complete waste of money for me right now so im holding off until they stop making good games for 360 lol.


well delays can only be a good thing! Because servers and patches will be good.


Lol this is funny.
I'm happy I gave next gen


Raisin This game is great. I wonder how close the 360 version will actually be to the One version. As long as it runs well, you 360 guys will love it.

You clearly didn't read the article.. lmfao


It's good that they're gonna try to make it better before the release.
Shows that they care.


Well i have for xbox one and the games great they will get it eventual y...


This game is great. I wonder how close the 360 version will actually be to the One version. As long as it runs well, you 360 guys will love it.


Two delays now, not expecting this to be as good as the Xbox One version anyways.