Android Skype update improves battery life

The Skype team at Microsoft has been busy the last few weeks updating the various Skype apps: Windows Phone, Windows 8.1, and Xbox One. Today was the day for the Android version to receive it's turn, version 2.7 is said to improve battery life on smart phones and most tablets on Android. The battery saving measures taken by Skype include disabling instant notifications in group chats by default. This feature can be re-enabled within the settings menu of the application if the user so chooses. Users using Android 4.7 have been relieved of a bug causing a "runaway process when the camera was synced in the background" within this update.

With Skype 4.7 for Android, we are introducing aggressive battery savings that will allow most of our users to leave Skype running without noticeably affecting battery life. It has been a challenging process, because to do this we've had to transform to the way Skype technology works.

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"Android Skype update improves battery life" :: Login/Create an Account :: 28 comments

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Aww thats cool as i find when im on skype my battery goes soo fast when in a call.


-Dropz That is really useful for people who use Skype a lot on their phones

Yeah when I don't have my phone plugged in the battery lasts about 45minutes on skype..


That is really useful for people who use Skype a lot on their phones


This is awesome, i use skype a lot on my s4 so this should help out a ton.


Thank you for this, Skype drained my battery so fast.


That is amazing how that works. I'll never understand technology like this.


I haven't noticed any battery differences while video chatting on my Note 3.....


This update is awesome! When i had my android skype would always kill my battery.