DICE opens up about Battlefield 4's 'Carrier Assault' mode

If you aren't familiar with Battlefield 2142 then the upcoming Carrier Assault mode in BF4's Naval Strike DLC will be a brand new concept for you. It draws inspiration from 2142's Titan mode and consists of each team attempting to sink the opposing sides aircraft carrier.

A brief explanation from a recent official BF4 blog posting by lead gameplay designer Gustav Halling explains how the mode operates. The full blog can be found here.

Carrier Assault is an homage to the Titan game mode of Battlefield 2142, but this time the all-out war rages in the South Chinese Sea, and your objective is to destroy the enemy team’s carrier before they infiltrate and destroy yours. Our goal has been to make Carrier Assault a really engaging game mode, and we truly believe the amount of variety present each round will assure this. You start out fighting a big-scale war with sea, land, and air vehicles controlling the map, and then everything evolves into an infantry-focused, close quarter fight inside both carriers at the same time!lead gameplay designer Gustav Halling

Battlefield 4's 'Naval Strike' expansion is queued for release later this month, first for Premium members and a few weeks later for the public.

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"DICE opens up about Battlefield 4's 'Carrier Assault' mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 64 comments

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Only worth it with 64 players wouldn't bother with last gen for this.


I want to play this it looks sick.


Can't wait to play it! If it really is like 2142 I'm so ready!


This sounds pretty cool, looing forward to these naval assult maps anyway